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于 2012-10-24 发布 文件大小:171KB
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  在n个城市间以最低的经济代价建设此通信网(N inter-city communication network at the lowest economic cost of construction)



0 个回复

  • ContourFill
    等值线区域填充,即由等值线构造等值面。本程序具有很强的实用性,并附有详细的程序说明文档和参考文献,相信对你将会大有裨益。(Contour area filling, which also means constructec isosurface from contour. This procedure is highly practical, with detailed description of the procedures documents and references, I believe you will boost.)
    2010-06-01 17:49:58下载
    华为C++中级培训教材,包含一个word文件和一个ppt文件。(Huawei C++ Intermediate training materials, contains a word file and a ppt file.)
    2010-12-31 19:12:50下载
  • Windowschengxuyunxingyuanli
    windows 程序运行原理。说得到很好啊,对你觉对有用1(windows procedures principle. Ah said to be good for you a useful right McGREGOR)
    2007-04-11 19:36:00下载
  • RadarSimulation
    自己写的雷达MFC编程,适用于刚学习C++做雷达相关的MFC编程新人,(Write my own radar MFC programming for doing just learning C++ MFC programming related to the new radar,)
    2014-12-02 23:53:10下载
  • TestVideo
    说明:  用dxshow编写的视频播放器。。。。。。。(Dxshow prepared to use video player。。。。)
    2009-08-07 08:52:35下载
  • OS
    说明:  该系统是一个请求页式存储管理系统,采用FIFO等页面淘汰算法(This system is a requested page storage management system, using FIFO and other pages out algorithm)
    2015-09-30 09:11:13下载
  • client-server
    多协议文件传输c/s网络应用设计与实现,程序用 TCP/UDP 两个协议模拟多协议服务器。首先服务器端要将两种协议的套接字创建好,并且监听 TCP 端口的连接。必要时使用select函数来进行多连接处理和非阻塞处理。而客户端直接可以按照发送的地址和端口号来进行通讯。 首先要运行服务器端,服务器会监听 TCP 端口。然后运行客户端,根据事先设定好的 IP和端口,就可以进行连接传输数据了。 程序实现的关键步骤: 以TCP协议为例 服务器端: 1.创建套接字;2.绑定端口;3.进入无穷的循环;4.接收请求;5.处理请求;6.应答。 客户端: 1.找到服务器的IP地址和协议的端口号;2.创建套接字;3.确定连接需要任意的,没有使用的端口号允许TCP去选择一个;4.将套接字和服务器连接;5.使用应用层协议和服务器交互;6.关闭连接。 (Multi-protocol file transfer c/s network application design and implementation of programs simulate multi-protocol server with TCP/UDP both protocols. First socket server to create a good two protocols, TCP port and listens for connections. If necessary, use the function to handle multiple connections and non-blocking treatment. And the client can follow directly address and port number to communicate. First run on the server side, the server listens on TCP port. Then run the client, according to pre-configured IP and port, you can connect the data transmission. The key step program implementation: In TCP protocol as an example Service-Terminal: 1. Create a socket 2 bound port 3 enter an infinite loop 4. receiving a request 5. processing requests 6 response. Clients: 1. Locate the server s IP address and protocol port number 2 creates a socket 3 connections need to determine arbitrary, unused port allows TCP to choose a 4 and the socket server connections 5 using appli)
    2016-07-11 10:19:07下载
  • Driver_Kit_SERVER_for_D113
    Duagon D113 MDFULL SERVER MVB PC104 source code
    2015-01-07 14:52:45下载
  • Getmacofremotemachine
    获取远程机器的MAc地址,运行环境VC++ (get MAC of remote machine)
    2009-05-10 17:27:13下载
  • DeskTopWallPaper
    使用VC++,调用windows系统API修改桌面壁纸的例子,可以参考下(The use of VC++, windows system calls API to modify the desktop wallpaper example, can refer to )
    2014-05-22 18:07:14下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104444会员总数
  • 15今日下载