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于 2013-11-11 发布 文件大小:4392KB
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  SQL数据库+C#实现大学学籍管理系统课程设计,内含数据库与程序源码。(SQL database+C# achieve university student management system, curriculum design, including database and program source code.)



0 个回复

  • xsglxt
    c语言,linux 终端下学生管理系统 (studen.c teacher.c root.c login)
    2013-01-26 16:39:55下载
  • calculationaboutCauchydispersionformula
    计算柯西色散公式系数的,要做棱镜色散实验的同学可以拿走算数据,VC2008下编译通 过。VC6.0应该也可以。逐组输入波长和对应的折射率后,输出A、B、C三个系数的值。仓 促编写,风格不太好。const int num是测量的谱线数,如果不是5组请自己改一下该数值。 (Cauchy' s formula for calculating coefficient of dispersion, dispersion prism to do the experiment for students to take count data, VC2008 compiled through. VC6.0 should be able to. One by one set of input wavelengths and the corresponding refractive index, the output of A, B, C 3 coefficient values. Hasty preparation, style is not very good. const int num is a measure of the number of lines, if not five Group requested the change you on the value of their own.)
    2009-12-05 21:38:52下载
  • 8_7
    说明:  计算机算法试题库问题,用最大流实现,运行正确(Computer algorithms questions Treasury issues, with the realization of maximum flow, operating correctly)
    2008-12-07 14:43:16下载
  • 5_zhanlue
    战略管理 中科院的经典教材 这个非常还是 现在中科院用的教材(Academy of Strategic Management is now this very classic textbook used textbooks Academy)
    2013-11-24 21:28:15下载
  • longgekuta
    针对肖田元教授所著的《系统仿真导论》中龙格库塔法参考程序研究生很难看懂的现象,我加上了注释,使初学者能把学习算法和编写程序对应起来,从而可以有效地掌握算法的实现,对于用龙格库塔法进行在线实时仿真、建模、最优控制及自适应控制的教学有意义。(Professor Xiao Tianyuan for the book " Introduction to System Simulation," in reference to Runge-Kutta method is difficult to understand the phenomenon of post-graduate program, I have added comments to beginners can learn the corresponding algorithms and programming together, which could effectively implementation of control algorithms, using Runge-Kutta method for online real-time simulation, modeling, optimal control and adaptive control of a meaningful education.)
    2010-02-07 17:09:08下载
  • xueshengchengjichaxunCGIchengxu
    基于C语言实现的学生成绩查询系统CGI程序(C language based on student performance query system CGI programs)
    2010-06-07 17:16:29下载
  • Three-dedicated-computerbooks
    计算机三级考试——网络技术的必考书目,考生必看!(Three dedicated computer network technology exam books)
    2013-11-16 10:07:12下载
  • student24
    系统密码是good,用户名是py. 一个简单的学生信息管理系统(system is a good password, user name is py. A simple Student Information Management System)
    2020-07-03 07:00:02下载
  • Student_System_Manager
    一个简单的学生管理系统,我自己写的,功能不是很强大,但是有点用,希望你们会喜欢,对于大多数学数据可得同学,应该有用,我就是学数据库的,这是我课设的作业。。(A simple student management system, I wrote it myself, not very powerful, but a little with the hope that you will like)
    2013-12-01 22:57:14下载
  • 343312
    实现简单图书入库和流通管理,图书证管理和查询统计的功能,(Implement a simple book storage and circulation management and the function of the library card management and query statistics,)
    2017-05-29 18:07:09下载
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