遗传算法求tsp问题及其matlab代码实现 主程序中有一rand( seed ,n) n 为某一整数, 这是设置随机数发生器的种子,这样实际上规定了随机数发生的方式,因此后面的随机数其实都是定下来的,这样所有人就可以看到同一结果, 可注释掉此行,那么每次的结果就不一定再相同了. (Genetic algorithm to solve the TSP problem and the matlab code to achieve A Rand main program ( seed , n) n as an integer, which is the setting of the random number generator seed, this actually provides a random number generating means, so the random number behind actually are determined, so that everyone can see the same results, can comment out this line, then each time the results do not necessarily the same. )