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于 2013-12-11 发布 文件大小:89KB
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   Wavelet denoising For using this code need to use signal toolbox and general toolbox in your matlab In the first part of this assignment, we asked to obtain a (black-and-white) digital image of size 512 by 512 and then generate noisy image by adding a Gaussian noise but under the condition of having SNR=20dB by select the suitable value of variance for Gaussian noise formula. Second step is performing wavelet denoising using the hard thresholding (Use the db 6 for four levels) in the condition of finding the optimal thresholding value of T in terms of the SNR obtained. It means that, we should find the highest SNR value by finding the suitable value for threshold. Then we asked to do the same process but this time using soft thresholding. Finally for the last part of question one, we should compare the results of the obtained SNR with the recommendations of 3*sigma for the hard thresholding and 3/2*sigma for the soft thresholding.



0 个回复

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