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于 2015-01-27 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  利用高斯金字塔原理进行连续的图像序列的压缩。需要将图像序列连续命名。输出为压缩图像。(Gaussian pyramid principle compress continuous image sequences. Need the image sequence continuously named. Output is compressed image)



0 个回复

  • shuzishuiyinzongshu
    :数字水印将感觉不到的信号嵌入到声频、视频和图像中以实现不同的目的。例如: 添加标题和版权保护。首先介绍 了有关数字水印的基本原理、重要属性及其主体框架。然后,将数字水印按不同角度划分为不同种类。讨论了各种各样的数 字水印算法以及数字水印在不同领域的应用,并简要介绍了对数字水印的攻击。最后,给出了数字水印当前的研究现状和发 展形式及前景。(: Digital watermark embedding imperceptible signals to the audio, video and images to achieve different purposes. Example: Add a title and copyright protection. Firstly, the basic principle about digital watermarking, and the main framework of the important attributes. Then, the digital watermark according to different angles into different types. Discussed a wide range of digital watermarking algorithms and digital watermarking applications in different fields, and a brief introduction of the digital watermarking attacks. Finally, the digital watermark of the current situation and development in the form of research and prospects.)
    2015-03-18 16:12:36下载
  • 人脸识别 MATLAB代码
    说明:  使用pca方法对图像进行特征提取,对训练集的20个人的共一百张人脸进行训练,使用adaboost算法生成强分类器,可以对测试集的人脸图片进行识别,且识别率较高(The PCA method is used to extract the features of the image, and the training is carried out for a total of 100 faces of 20 people in the training set. The AdaBoost algorithm is used to generate a strong classifier, which can recognize the face images in the test set with a high recognition rate)
    2020-12-27 22:19:02下载
  • kalman
    分为行人检测,特征提取,行人跟踪三步,其中最主要的代码也是这个代码的中心是行人跟踪这一部分,我采用的是kalman滤波器进行行人下一帧位置的预测,可以很好的提高行人跟踪的鲁棒性,跟踪结果比较准确。(Into pedestrian detection, feature extraction, pedestrian tracking steps, which is the center of the main code of the code is pedestrian tracking this section, I kalman filter is used to predict the position of the next frame pedestrians, can be a good improvement pedestrian tracking robustness, tracking results more accurate.)
    2015-04-16 16:36:51下载
  • 与机器视觉
    说明:  对图像进行RGB、HSV单通道分离,滤波,合并。(Single-channel filtering and merging of images)
    2019-10-06 21:01:13下载
  • harr12
    计算haar尺度函数和小波基系数矩阵,用于数值计算,如解偏微方方程,自己编写的。(Computing haar wavelet scaling function and the coefficient matrix for the numerical calculation, such as the solution of partial differential equations side, I have written.)
    2011-11-30 23:44:51下载
  • matlab编程技术将灰度归一
    利用matlab编程技术将灰度图像归一化到0-255范围内(Normalize the image to 0-255)
    2020-06-28 10:40:02下载
  • ImageRotate
    说明:  能够实现图像旋转,旋转后图像尺寸不变,经检验程序可用。(the procedure can rotate the image,and don t change the size of the image. )
    2021-02-04 17:39:57下载
  • ART2
    迭代CT重建血管,希望对大家能够有所帮助(Iterative CT reconstruction of blood vessels, we want to be able to help)
    2011-10-13 10:51:10下载
  • drfi_matlab-master
    drfi图像显著性检测算法源码,基本上是目前表现最好的算法,需要m和c混合编程(source code of DRFI model)
    2020-09-16 10:27:55下载
  • minboundrect
    可以获取连通域的最小外接矩形,然后做些其他处理(You can get the minimum external rectangle of a connected domain,and you can do something else.)
    2019-05-23 20:05:46下载
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