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于 2011-12-10 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  forward backward power flow for DSLF the codes are from matwork



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  • chapter11
    matlab神经网络43个案例分析源码11,关于连续Hopfield神经网络的优化—旅行商问题优化计算 (matlab neural network source code 11 43 case studies, optimization on a continuous Hopfield neural network- the traveling salesman problem optimization)
    2014-11-04 21:18:22下载
  • Plag
    survey of plagiarism detection methods
    2015-02-28 14:09:49下载
  • reverberation_shum
    Settles an invoice time of reverberation. A test signal - white noise. The analysis to be made through 1/3 octava filters. Time of record of a signal of white noise 1 second. Duration of the analysis of process of reverberation 1 second. Time of transients which arise during reverberation is considered.
    2010-10-21 20:07:47下载
  • GAbit_roulette
    Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization
    2010-01-07 20:40:49下载
  • cordic
    运用dds改进型算法 cordic算法实现将三角函数旋转任意角度的matlab代码(Using cordic to realize the manipulation of sin or cos function, which is changing their current phase into any given phase.)
    2014-01-12 16:46:24下载
  • empirical-histogram_matlab-code
    计算经验直方图的matlab程序 包括程序注释和样本测试结果(Computing experience histogram matlab procedures, including program notes and sample test results)
    2013-12-11 10:14:25下载
  • SPMForSensorDataAnalytic
    These files contain all the code necessary to run the example in the Webinar "Signal Processing for Machine Learning in MATLAB". They also include code to automate the download and preparation of the dataset used. In that webinar we presented an example of a classification system able to identify the physical activity that a human subject is engaged in, solely based on the accelerometer signals generated by his or her smartphone. We used consolidated signal processing methods to extract a fairly small number of highly-descriptive features, and finally trained a small Neural Network to map the feature vectors into the 6 different activity classes of a pre-recorded dataset. The topics discussed include: * Signal manipulation and visualisation * Design and application of digital filters * Frequency-domain analysis * Automatic peak detection * Feature extraction from signals * Train and test of simple Neural Networks
    2018-05-15 11:54:21下载
  • mmwrite
    功能列表= mmwrite(文件名,选择... ...) mmwrite是能写的AVI,WMV,的WMA,ASF文件。对于AVI文件,您可以选择从现有的编解码器压缩的音频和视频流。 对于WMV,WMA和ASF的编码默认为16位的Windows Media 9率为44100Hz立体声为98%质量的音频和Windows媒体视频9 98 质量。质量可以指定音频和视频。 环绕声,似乎只与AVI和多通道编码不支持。编写任何其他文件类型不支持。本使用Windows的DirectX基础设施,以便其他操作系统是出于运气。 输入:     文件名:这一定是第一个参数,并指定文件名写。     影片结构:视频结构相匹配的mmread输出。在最低限度,必须有4个领域的“框架”,“时代”,“高度”和“宽度”。该“框架”字段必须是一个结构与一个字段数组“的CDATA”的原始框架,它包含由彩色编码的数据宽度高度(3)UINT8s。钍(function list = mmwrite(filename,...options...) mmwrite is able to write AVI,WMV,WMA,ASF files. For AVI files you can choose from the available codecs to compress the audio and video streams. For WMV,WMA and ASF the encoding defaults to Windows Media 9 44100Hz 16bit stereo 98 quality for the audio and Windows Media 9 Video with 98 quality. The quality can be specified for both audio and video. Surround sound only seems to work with AVI and multi-pass encoding is not supported. Writing any other file type is not supported. This uses Windows DirectX infrastructure, so other OSs are out of luck. INPUT: filename: This must be the first parameter and specifies the filename to write. video structure: The video structure matches the output of mmread. At a minimum it must have 4 fields "frames", "times", "height" and "width". The "frames" field must be a struct array with a field "cdata" that contains the raw frame data encoded as height by width by color(3) as UINT8s. Th)
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  • chapter4
    精通MATLAB数字图像处理与识别 chapter4 代码(Proficient in MATLAB digital image processing and recognition chapter4 code)
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  • histogram
    Calculated histogram of an image
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