傅 立叶变换是数字信号处理领域一种很重要的算法。要知道傅立叶变换算法的 意义,首先要了解傅立叶原理的意义。傅立叶原理表明:任何连续测量的时序或 信号,都 可以表示为不同频率的正弦波信号的无限叠加。而根据该原理创立的 傅立叶变换算法利用直接测量到的原始信号,以累加方式来计算该信号中不同正 弦波信号的频 率、振幅和相位。 (The goals for the course are to gain a facility with using the Fourier transform, both specific techniques and general principles, and learning to recognize when, why, and how it is used. Together with a great variety, the subject also has a great coherence, and the hope is students come to appreciate both. )