This program places dates on time axis as DATETICK and works with ZOOM and PAN as DATETICKZOOM by Christophe Lauwerys. But, it also shows the full date after zooming or panning by using the ticks and time-axis label. So, if you zoom in down to second, you won t loose "when" you are.
The input arguments are equal to those of DATETICK function, but if more than one axis handle is specified, they all will be LINKED!
Also, some other options are available, for example, the use of LOCAL LANGUAGE for the months (default), or the use of an specific date format: DD HH:MM SS.FFF for example.
Besides, sometimes with DATETICK you don t get optimal results. This program (try to) fix this problem.
Just use it after some plot function with days (see DATENUM) in one of his axis (time-axis):
t = linspace(0,1) + now
x = rand(size(t))
axis tight
tlabel <----
Enjoy it!
Bugs reports and suggestions will be very appreciated!
(This program places dates on time axis as DATETICK and works with ZOOM and PAN as DATETICKZOOM by Christophe Lauwerys. But, it also shows the full date after zooming or panning by using the ticks and time-axis label. So, if you zoom in down to second, you won t loose "when" you are.
The input arguments are equal to those of DATETICK function, but if more than one axis handle is specified, they all will be LINKED!
Also, some other options are available, for example, the use of LOCAL LANGUAGE for the months (default), or the use of an specific date format: DD HH:MM SS.FFF for example.
Besides, sometimes with DATETICK you don t get optimal results. This program (try to) fix this problem.
Just use it after some plot function with days (see DATENUM) in one of his axis (time-axis):
t = linspace(0,1)+ now
x = rand(size(t))
axis tight
tlabel <----
Enjoy it!
Bugs reports and suggestions will be very appreciated!
- 2009-10-05 21:46:23下载
- 积分:1
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[W,H] = nmf(X,K,alg,maxiter,speak)
W: output matrix
H: output matrix
X: input matrix
K: number of components
alg: algorithm to use
maxiter: maximum number of iterations
speak: print to screen
mm: Multiplicative updates method using euclidean distance measure.
cjlin: Projected gradient method
prob: Probabilistic non-negative matrix factorization.
als: Alternating least squares.
alsobs: Alternating least squares with optimal brain surgeon.
PET: NMF on a PET dataset
Text: NMF used on a three different datasets Email, medical, and CNN.
mm: Multiplicative update method using euclidean distance measure.
Described in Lee and Seung, 2001, Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13, 556-562. This algorithm is the most commonly used algorithm to solve NMF.
cjlin: Alternative non-negative least squares using projected gradients.
Author: Chih-Je)
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matlab模糊控制FuzzySetsandFuzzyInformationGranulationTheory(matlab fuzzy controlFuzzySetsandFuzzyInformationGranulationTheory)
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说明: 基于MATLABD的线性二次型最优控制设计(MATLABD based on the linear quadratic optimal control design)
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