首页 » VBScript » 4VBScript-interactive-XML


于 2013-11-08 发布 文件大小:1285KB
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  针对VBScript 在输入大批数据时所表现出的不足,提出了以XML 文件为载体,利用VB.net 设计的交互程序将大批数据写入XML 文件完成参数预定义,VBScrip 程序通过查询XML 文件获取参数值,从而取代inputbox 函数的单一交互方式,实现了VBScrip 交互性能的优化。该优化方法在域环境下的登录脚本中已成功使用,结果表明该方法使用方便,提高了VBScript 程序在输入大批量参数时的执行效率。(For VBScript in the input data is shown by the large number of deficiencies, proposed an XML file as a carrier, the use of VB. net interactive program designed to write data to an XML file to complete a large number of predefined parameters, VBScrip program by querying the XML file for parameter values, thereby replacing the inputbox function to a single interaction, enabling a VBScrip interactive performance optimization. The optimization method in a domain environment logon script has been successfully used, the results show that the method is easy to use, improve the VBScript program parameters in the input bulk execution efficiency.)




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