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于 2021-03-07 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  输出仿真结果的频谱图、相图、时间历程和庞加莱截面(The frequency spectrum of the output of the simulation results, the phase diagram, time course, and Poincare)



0 个回复

  • SolutionsforMultiuserDetection
    是multiuser detection 这本书的习题解答, 很有用的书.(is multiuser detection of this book to answer the questions and useful book.)
    2006-12-12 11:20:24下载
  • alfa_convective
    ART1算法,此算法还存在缺陷,有此产生art2 (ART1 algorithm, the algorithm also flawed, produce art2)
    2007-04-14 09:10:11下载
  • shuangkui002
    双馈电机控制仿真模型模型 矢量控制 现代控制(Double-fed motor control model)
    2013-08-24 10:53:55下载
  • IEEEpapers
    Cognitive radio all the IEEE papers
    2014-08-30 01:36:10下载
  • imag
    数字图像隐藏技术的仿真,针对一个图片现将其转换为灰白图像,然后将要隐藏的图片加入样本中,加入椒盐噪声攻击,最后将图片还原。(Digital image information hiding technology simulation, for a picture now converted to gray image, will then be hidden image is added to the sample, adding salt and pepper noise attack, finally will restore the picture.)
    2016-08-21 13:05:04下载
  • ChapterIIIMdocumentandobject-orientedinto
    这是一份MATLAB基础课件,由于我也是初学者,这部课件讲的很浅显,但比较适合初学者对MATLAB所有功能的一个初步了解内容包括涵数值数组及其运算, M文件和面向对象编成, 字符串数组, 符号变量, matlab 绘图 及 Simulnk动态仿真。以及两个基本浅显的程序题。此为第 3章。(This is a basic MATLAB courseware, because I am also a beginner, this software is very simple-speaking, but more suitable for beginners of all the features of MATLAB, a preliminary understanding of the content including the Han and its numerical array computing, M documents and for object into string array, variable symbols, matlab graphics and dynamic simulation Simulnk. As well as the two basic procedures for simple questions. This is Chapter 3.)
    2009-03-22 08:58:10下载
    说明:  大地电磁一维反演程序,Matlab源程序代码(One-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion program)
    2011-02-21 13:10:14下载
  • PNN-CVLOO-code
    The code implements a probabilstic Neuraol network for classification problems trained with a Leave One Out Cross Validation Scheme in Matlab (version 7 or above). The following toolboxes are required: statidtics, optimization and neural networks.
    2010-05-29 22:25:15下载
  • control
    controller system for controlling the transfer function
    2012-06-15 18:59:12下载
  • Transmission-Model
    无线传感器网络定位用到的无线传输模型 Regular Model, Logarithmic Attenuation Model, DOI Model, RIM Model (Wireless sensor network localization using wireless transmission model, Regular Model, Logarithmic Attenuation Model, DOI Model, RIM Model Achieve functional distance and transmission attenuation swap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Regular Model~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this model, the radio range is a circle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ReceivedSignalStrength=SendingPower-PathLoss e.g, RSS=Pt-Pl(d0)-10*η*log10(dist/d0) Pt:transmit power pl(d0):the pass loss for a reference distance of d0 ηis the path loss exponent above parameters are saved in ../Parameters_Of_Models.mat dist:distance between sender and receiver(m) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ typical value:Pt=0-4dBm(max),Pl(d0)=55dB(d0=1m),η(2~4)=4(indoor,outdoor) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~Logarithmic Attenuation Model~~~~~~~~~ In this model, the radio range is a circle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ReceivedSignal)
    2013-08-31 18:59:05下载
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