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于 2013-12-08 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  在小波分析及其变换中,Hurst指数的Matlab实现(Wavelet analysis and transformation, Hurst exponent of Matlab achieve)



0 个回复

  • stanford_convex_optimization_book
    国外的经典的有关于凸优化数学方面的教材,值得研究有关优化方面的研究者学习(Classic abroad on convex optimization mathematics textbooks, it is worth to study the optimization of the researchers studying)
    2010-06-12 13:35:08下载
  • pmsm_vec
    基于SIMULINK环境下永磁同步电机空间矢量控制技术仿真模型。已验证正确形。(Based on SIMULINK environment space vector control of permanent magnet synchronous motor technology simulation model. Verified correct shape.)
    2013-11-30 16:14:49下载
  • Mersenne-Twister
    利用Mersenne Twister算法产生随机数,并测试和分析了其随机性。 程序中还加入了界面显示。 各个文件为: initGenerator.m: initGenerator函数,用于初始化随机序列的长度和值 generateNum.m: generateNum函数,当index为0时被调用,用于创建624维的移位寄存器数组 extractNum.m: extractNum函数,根据index当前值选择数组中的数生成随机数,同时改变index的值。 main.m: main主函数,输入种子seed和产生数目total,输出产生结果及随机性测试结果 mymy.m和mymy.fig: 用于界面显示的部分,这两个文件会通过界面传入seed和total的值,并调用main函数,在相应的框中显示输出结果。 (According to the algorithm principle on Wikipedia, the Mersenne Twister algorithm to generate random numbers, and test and analysis of its randomness. The program has also joined the interface display. The individual files are: initGenerator.m: initGenerator function used to initialize the random sequence length and value generateNum.m: generateNum function is invoked when the index is zero, and used to create a 624-dimensional shift register array extractNum.m: extractNum function, according to index the current value to select the number to generate random numbers, and change the value of the index in the array. main.m: main function of the input seed to seed and produce the number of total, the output generated results and the randomness of the test results mymy.m and mymy.fig: Part of these two files for interface display interface incoming seed and the total value of, and calls the main function, to display the output in the appropriate boxes.)
    2012-07-22 21:51:55下载
  • Sat
    利用Matlab进行卫星伪距定位,根据测量方式的不同,GPS定位的方法也不同,假令在无误差的情况下进行定位,即可利用Matlab将定位问题转化为非线性方程组问题。(Matlab, satellite pseudo-range position, according to the different measurement methods, GPS positioning methods are different, Jialing no error in the case of positioning, you can use Matlab to locate problem into nonlinear equations.)
    2020-11-02 15:09:53下载
  • eq_radarcw
    radar equation of cw-radar
    2012-07-18 19:46:47下载
  • biaozhunfft
    说明:  Matlab实现频谱分析 其幅值和相位已经标准化(Matlab achieve its amplitude spectrum and phase analysis have been standardized)
    2008-09-19 12:29:45下载
    DOA估计的经典算法esprit算法的求根算法,在matlab中能够完全仿真。(DOA estimate of the classical esprit of the algorithm is extract roots algorithm, in matlab simulation can completely.)
    2012-04-09 13:20:36下载
  • Matlab-for-Copula
    至今最全的Copula函数计算程序,包含参数估计、模型检验、随机模拟等(Copula function has the most complete computer program, including parameter estimation, model checking, stochastic simulation, etc.)
    2020-12-15 15:29:14下载
  • matlab-vc-matlab
    几篇matlab和vc混合编程的文章合集,如有使用混合编程的,可以作为参考(few Matlab and vc mixed programming Collection of articles, if the use of the mixed programming, it can serve as a reference)
    2007-05-30 08:31:59下载
  • matlab-optical
    包含单缝衍射,光栅衍射,等倾干涉,等厚干涉,杨氏双缝干涉,菲涅耳衍射等基础函数(Contains a single-slit diffraction, diffraction grating, equal inclination interference, equal thickness interference, Young' s double slit interference, Fresnel diffraction and other basic functions)
    2014-09-19 19:40:23下载
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