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于 2013-12-07 发布 文件大小:87KB
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  this is puzl game first , load a picture, and chose picture



0 个回复

  • Ethanol-And-Methanol-Water-Mixtures
    光纤倏逝场传感器对甲醇 (CH3OH)和乙醇(C2H5OH)基于变形光学溶剂 纤维芯的报道。现有的U型的敏感性 探讨提高延长暴露芯线圈形状 一个半圈的形成,核心行进 三弯曲的形状。利用可见光的波长区域(VIS) 甲醇/乙醇从0 到10 所示的浓度 的弯曲形状的传感器使测定灵敏度 更好的甲醇浓度比0点05 和 乙醇的浓度比0 在650nm。这有利于 低成本的光源和接收器使用规定 这个波长范围以及聚合物的光的利用 纤维导光和从传感器,从而导致较低的 成本的应用相比,所有的二氧化硅或聚合物包层石英光纤 在近红外(NIR)解决方案或紫外线(UV)波长 范围。 (An optical fibre evanescent field sensor for methanol (CH3OH) and ethanol (C2H5OH) solvents based on deformed optical fibre cores is reported. The sensitivity of an existing U-bend probe is increased by extending the exposed core to a coil shape of one and a half turns and by forming the core to a meander shape with three bends. Using the visible wavelength area (VIS) and methanol/ethanol concentrations from 0 to 10 it is shown that the sensitivity of the meander shape sensor enables the determination of methanol concentrations of better than 0:5 and of ethanol concentrations of better than 0:2 at 650nm. This facilitates the use of low cost optical sources and receivers provided for this wavelength range as well as the utilization of polymer optical fibres to guide the light to and from the sensor which results in low cost applications compared to all silica or polymer clad silica fibre solutions in the near-infrared (NIR) or ultra-violet (UV) wavelength range.)
    2013-09-27 19:36:02下载
  • at45db_for_msp430
    at45db_for_msp430.c,IAR2.31调试(at45db_for_msp430.c, IAR2.31 Debugging)
    2006-11-17 10:43:58下载
  • 温控热水资料
    基于51单片机对水温进行PID控制,维持水温,水温可设定。内附Verilog代码PCB和仿真程序。(Based on 51 single-chip computer, the water temperature is controlled by PID to maintain the water temperature, and the water temperature can be set.)
    2019-01-23 11:22:53下载
  • 90can32_uart
    说明:  使用avr90can32双串口传输蓝牙数据(Avr90can32 dual-use Bluetooth serial data transmission)
    2008-10-08 09:54:47下载
  • SJA1000CANturn232
    SG-TOP808 SJA1000实验程序CAN转232 5kbps(SG-TOP808 SJA1000 CAN turn 232 5kbps experimental procedure)
    2016-08-16 13:01:52下载
  • 7
    说明:  51at89s52单片机,查询法和中断法的串口通信,计算机向单片机发数据;计算机与单片机双向通信!!!!!!!!(51at89s52 microcontroller, query and interrupt method of serial communication, the computer sends the data to the single chip microcomputer communication between computer and single chip microcomputer!!!!!!!!)
    2014-09-13 11:20:10下载
  • STC8参考程序
    说明:  stc8a8k64s单片机的示例程序,适合初学者好好研究学习(Stc8a8k64s MCU example program, suitable for beginners to study)
    2020-08-29 16:27:31下载
  • MSP430F2xx_bq27210EVM
    使用MSP430 控制器作为主机的,对bq27210器件配置和通信的例程。提供IAR和CCS两种开发环境的工程文件。(MSP430 is used as the host microcontroller interfacing to various bbq27210 devices.The complete source code and project files have been provided for the two embedded firmware Integrated Development Environments for the MSP430 microcontroller platform – IAR Systems Embedded Workbench and Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio.)
    2021-03-15 14:29:22下载
  • c6233af8e46f9c86c531a3bc6b8b3e24
    说明:  ATT7022E SPI读数据写数据程序(att7022E STM32F103 SPI)
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  • l3g4200-89s52-1602
    l3g4200 89s52 1602 显示出测得的三轴倾角(l3g4200 89s52 1602 three-axis shows the measured angle)
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