BZWB服装进销存WEB(免费版)沿承了BZWB列产品实用、易用的设计理念,由于我们设计的是WEB版 (目前市场上大多数都是C/S客户端版,只能在局域网中使用,不适合店面分散企业),最大的优点就 是针对企业在多个地域有分店,分店只需要能上网即可,企业老板可以随时通过电脑上网或IPAD,就能 方便登陆系统随时了解企业的库存和销售情况。 (The BZWB clothing Invoicing the WEB (Free Edition) along the order of BZWB column practical, easy-to-use design concepts, we design WEB Edition (currently on the market, most are C/S client version, only in the LAN in use, and is not suitable for storefront dispersed enterprises), the biggest advantage is for enterprises in a number of geographical stores, outlets only need access to the Internet can be business owners can at any time through the computer to access the Internet or IPAD will be able to facilitate the landing system to keep abreast of the enterprise inventory and sales.)