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于 2012-10-19 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Blocking probabilities.. 5 switch with 5 stage



0 个回复

  • houghline.m
    对读入的图片做霍夫变换,识别出图片中的直线并输出。(Do the Hough Transform to the input image, that is to detect lines in the input image, and output those lines.)
    2009-11-24 13:11:28下载
  • seismogram
    matlab code for seismogram generation
    2014-12-12 15:54:54下载
  • dxVideo
    This library contains helper functions to read image frames into matlab from Video file using DirectShow. This library has borrowed codes from Ashwin Thangali s "DirectShow (DirectX) based AVI file reader", and it can read multiple video formats besides avi. Features: a) can read frames from rmvb, avi, etc. b) handles most codecs installed on the system d) its implementation is only based on the IMediaDet interface -- Depending on your Matlab version, the .mexw32 files may need to be renamed as .dll -- The library usage is as follows, [avi_hdl, avi_inf] = dxVideoOpen(avi_filename) pixmap = dxVideoReadMex(avi_hdl, frame_num) img = reshape(pixmap,[avi_inf.Height,avi_inf.Width,3]) dxVideoCloseMex(avi_hdl) -- recompile the library I have compiled the code with the DirectShow lib in Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (December 2004) -- known limitation a)only works for windows :( b)may be slow for big image frames and some codecs.
    2009-11-05 17:17:06下载
  • big-fish_indonesian-491332
    for UPFC placement general
    2014-09-01 11:50:21下载
  • PDAF_01
    This code is a short demo of tracking multiple moving points in clutter and noise.
    2014-11-01 16:18:00下载
  • matrix_decompose
    波达方向估计算法仿真中的基于解相干的MUSIC源程序 中的矩阵分解算法(Simulation of DOA estimation of MUSIC-based decoherence source in the matrix decomposition algorithm)
    2011-05-30 23:23:08下载
  • shuzhifenxichazhi
    说明:  该算法集集中了数值分析当中几乎所有的插值算法,如牛顿法,艾特肯法,高斯法,样条函数法等,均在MATLAB(R2006@)中运行通过了。(The algorithm sets a numerical analysis which focused on almost all the interpolation algorithms, such as Newton' s law, Aitken law, Gauss law, such as spline function method, are in the MATLAB (R2006 @) run through the.)
    2009-07-27 19:47:01下载
  • edgedemo
    说明:  通过拉普拉斯滤波器,高斯微分滤波器以及高斯差分滤波器提取图像边缘的简单matlab代码(Filter by Laplace, Gaussian derivative filters and difference filter from the edge of Gaussian simple matlab code)
    2011-03-22 20:43:19下载
  • matlab-smoothing
    利用matlab把遥感影像,进行滤波处理。窗口可以选择3*3,5*5,7*7.。。(Using matlab to remote sensing image filtering. Window, you can choose 3* 3,5* 5,7* 7)
    2013-08-04 01:13:29下载
    MATLAB常用算法的程序集,对matlab学习者来说是不错的资料(The MATLAB algorithms commonly used procedures set matlab learners good information)
    2013-04-18 17:18:02下载
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