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于 2013-12-06 发布 文件大小:24KB
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  此程序主要是详细给出了在matlab中如何求解信号的fft,包括功率谱,功率谱密度,幅度谱;(This procedure is given in detail how to solve the signal in matlab fft, including power spectrum, power spectral density, amplitude spectrum )



0 个回复

  • h74matlab
    汉明码,信息论与编码,74系列 的 故意结果iu(hanming just it ahya hah)
    2010-06-28 19:35:35下载
  • MateiDemo
    Iterative Watershed Segmentation (IWS) This code is free of charges and it can be used for demonstration and evaluation purposes only. It is not allowed to use this code in any commercial purpose. The author s approval must be requested for any modification of the initial code as it is presented in the zip file available to download. The following point called "Copyright text" must always appear verbatim in the source codes and the license text. There is no warranty about the results obtained using this code. This is a free code, so you use it at your own risks.(Watershed Segmentation (IWS) T his code is free of charges and it can be used for d emonstration and evaluation purposes only. It is not allowed to use this code in any commercial purpose. The author's approval must be requeste d for any modification of the initial code as it i 's presented in the zip file available to downloa d. The following point called "Copyright text" must always appear verbatim in the source codes and the license text. There is no warranty about the results obtained using this code. This is a f ree code, so you use it at your own risks.)
    2007-03-25 12:06:26下载
  • chap15
    关于电机的实例,适合有基础的人进行研究,主要应用的是matlab (About an instance of the motor, suitable for people who carry out basic research, the main application is matlab)
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  • GA
    说明:  MATLAB和C++开发都有,代码齐全,资料非常有指导意义,适合有一定基础的人。(含资料:全国高技术重点图书·通信技术领域 遗传算法及其应用)(It concludes code of matlab and c++,and some important referance is also included.)
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    可以实现血管增强滤波,首先运行初始化文件,然后运行主函数文件(论文参考:Three Dimensional Curvilinear Structure Detection Using Optimally Oriented Flux)(Vascular enhancement filtering can be achieved, first run the initialization file, and then run the main function file)
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