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于 2015-01-17 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  Performance analysis of mimo system in Rayleigh Fading Environment for different values of k modulation.



0 个回复

  • boundary
    boundary problem in math
    2010-05-08 19:10:36下载
  • DCM
    Cannot create induction motor dq model.rar
    2014-10-29 04:03:10下载
  • FC_AE
    fc-ae1553协议,光纤通道,总线应用(fc-ae1553 protocol, Fibre Channel, Bus Applications)
    2013-12-23 14:28:21下载
  • 对组合巴克码的抗干扰仿真
    对组合巴克码进行仿真并对其抗干扰性能进行研究(The combination Barker code is simulated and its anti-interference performance is studied.)
    2018-03-24 09:22:39下载
  • Chapt4Example
    matlab基础与应用教程例题第三章代码(code for matlab)
    2012-10-18 21:27:30下载
  • clusterImg
    code for image clustering using k-means
    2011-02-02 20:32:38下载
  • main
    antenna design using matlab
    2011-05-07 01:06:15下载
  • cc
    说明:  description about linear convution
    2015-01-18 21:41:18下载
  • ncquiverref
    Matlab 向量绘图工具,可应用于向量计算模拟,地图绘制,标尺选定。(This function is a substitute for the standard versions of quiver and quiverm available using a vanilla release of matlab. This version assumes a 2D vector field is being plotted using a gridded flow field from a numerical model. It is primarily intended for Earth System Model analysis. The function enables the scaling of vectors according to a reference vector plotted in the lower right hand corner of the plot axes. The function works for both map and Cartesian axes and allows the color of vectors to be changed. If a reference value is not provided, the reference value is calculated by rounding the median or maximum magnitude of the quiver vectors. Scaling of vectors still occurs even if the reference vector plotting is switched off. This enables different subplots to share identical scaling so that the relative magnitude of vectors can be compared between subplots (provided they share the same grid). The function also includes the ability to plot color vectors, all of equal )
    2011-01-22 00:01:40下载
  • db_nc_audio_recon
    说明:  使用5阶巴特沃斯半带滤波器4通道完美重构滤波器组来处理音频数据的例子(Using the 5-order Butterworth filter with a 4-channel semi-perfect reconstruction filter banks to process audio data examples)
    2010-05-04 01:19:54下载
  • 696518资源总数
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