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于 2020-12-02 发布 文件大小:49KB
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  基于二阶锥规划的旁瓣抑制滤波器的设计仿真,其中包括m序列,失配滤波器设计,并且考虑增益处理损失。(Based on SOCP sidelobe suppression filter design simulation, including m-sequence mismatch filter design, and to consider the loss of gain processing.)


......\read me.txt,102,2011-05-17



0 个回复

  • VibrationSimulationUsingMATLABandANSYS_muya
    转载:众所周知有限元解决振动问题的能力还是有限的, 比如做齿轮啮合过程的动力学模拟就要同时涉及到接触和动力反映两个主要方面. 目前处理此类问题最成熟的软件当属MSC.ADAMS, 但ADAMS也只能在模拟过程中做到弹性与刚性接触而已! 据我所知, 已不止两位研究生试图用LS-DYNA来做此类模拟, 他们忽略了(或没搞清楚) LS-DYNA只能处理瞬态问题, 而对于该过程的模拟也是无能为力的!!! 结果是浪费了大量的时间, 甚至机会. 这本应是导师的责任, 但许多高龄导师对现代软件的不熟悉也是....那么此类问题的具体解决方案在哪里? Vibration Simulation Using Matlab and ANSYS 给出了答案. 掌握书中的内容意义非同小可! 这对于要从事CAE工作的将会受益(起码在今后20年内).随着我国经济的高速发展 解决资本积累必将是要遇到的问题, 工程(设备)维护, 系统监测也将(象发达国家)成为CAE非常重要的部分. 早早入手就能使你立于不败之地!(This book has three main purposes. The first purpose is to cc..-ct in one document the various methods of constructing and representing dynamic mechanical models. The second purpose is to help the reader develop a strong understanding of the modal analysis technique, where the total response of a system can be constructed by combinations of individual modes of vibration. The third purpose is to show how to take the results of large finite element models and reduce the size of the model (model reduction), extracting lower order state space models for use in MATLAB.)
    2009-03-22 19:06:42下载
  • zairuzhidiandandao
    用来计算航天器再入质点弹道,其中包括插值算法,龙格库塔法以及大气模型(Used to calculate the particle trajectory of spacecraft re-entry, including the interpolation algorithm, Runge-Kutta method as well as atmospheric model)
    2008-04-27 11:09:17下载
  • usercreep
    编制了theta映射法的ansys蠕变子程序(a creep subroutine of ansys that considered the theta-projection method)
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  • fit2
    最小二乘曲面拟合程序(m文件),对一组三维数据z=f(x,y)拟合,成为关于x和y的多项式(least squares fitting procedure Surface (m), a group of three-dimensional data z = f (x, y) fitting, be on the x and y polynomial)
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  • P-value
    calcule de la p-value en c#
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  • GM(11)
    gm模型 gm模型 gm模型 gm模型 gm模型 GM(1,1)(gm model gm model gm model gm model gm model GM (1,1))
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    nelder-mead algorithm for unconstrained optimization simulation in c programming language
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  • sphcone_rcs
    计算球体RCS,输入球直接获取球的雷达散射截面(Sphere radar cross section calculation)
    2021-05-08 15:58:36下载
    This directory contains code implementing the K-means algorithm. Source code may be found in KMEANS.CPP. Sample data isfound in KM2.DAT. The KMEANS program accepts input consisting of vectors and calculates the given number of cluster centers using the K-means algorithm. Output is directed to the screen. Usage for KMEANS is: KMEANS SOURCEFILE <enter> The format of the source file is: NPat - Number of patterns (int) SizeVect - Size of vector (int) NClust - Number of cluster centers(int) vect[1,1] ... vect[1,SizeVect] - vector 1 (real) vect[2,1] ... vect[2,SizeVect] - vector 2 (real) . . . . . . vect[NPat,1] ... vect[NClust,SizeVector] - vector N (real) To compile: ICC KMEANS.CPP <enter> (This directory contains code implementing the K-means algorithm. Source code may be found in KMEANS.CPP. Sample data isfound in KM2.DAT. The KMEANS program accepts input consisting of vectors and calculates the given number of cluster centers using the K-means algorithm. Output is directed to the screen. Usage for KMEANS is: KMEANS SOURCEFILE <enter> The format of the source file is: NPat - Number of patterns (int) SizeVect - Size of vector (int) NClust - Number of cluster centers(int) vect[1,1] ... vect[1,SizeVect] - vector 1 (real) vect[2,1] ... vect[2,SizeVect] - vector 2 (real) . . . . . . vect[NPat,1] ... vect[NClust,SizeVector]- vector N (real) To compile: ICC KMEANS.CPP <enter> )
    2013-01-05 23:11:23下载
    非线性有限元及程序这本书,很有用的,程序也很全面(NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT AND PROGRAM)
    2021-03-31 10:19:09下载
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