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于 2011-12-05 发布 文件大小:62KB
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  this is for bit plane mapping... it produces 7 outputs with bit plane....



0 个回复

  • electromagneticwaveTE13
    利用matlab仿真金属圆柱体内电磁波分布,有助于掌握电磁波的传播情况。 把程序文档放入matlab的默认读取文档中,打开Cwave.m。Cwave.m是演示程序,由它调用其它函数。其中Z表示Kz*z,范围为0~2*pi。默认取2*pi为一个周期,num表示在一个周期内平均取多少个Kz*z值,默认为50(计算后每个值如Er都有五十幅图)。CWaveGuideCaculate函数用于计算Er,Efia,Hr,Hfia,Hz等值。CWaveGuideShow用于三维显示计算后得到的值,可以比较生动看到在一个周期内计算量的一连串的变换。(Matlab simulation using electromagnetic wave distribution inside the metal cylinder, is useful in the propagation of electromagnetic waves. To process the document read into matlab' s default document, open the Cwave.m. Cwave.m is the demonstration program, which will call other functions. Where Z said Kz* z, the range of 0 ~ 2* pi. The default access for a period of 2* pi, num, said the average take in a cycle number of Kz* z, default is 50 (calculated as per the value of Er has 50 chart). CWaveGuideCaculate function is used to calculate Er, Efia, Hr, Hfia, Hz equivalent. CWaveGuideShow been calculated for three-dimensional display of values, can be seen more vividly in a cycle of computation of a series of transformations.)
    2010-09-03 16:07:12下载
  • MIRT
    医学图像配准工具箱,对用互信息图像配准有帮助(Medical image registration toolbox for image registration using mutual information helpful)
    2021-02-15 15:19:48下载
  • Helix
    此程序用于数值模拟螺旋光束在自由空间中传输。(This procedure for the numerical simulation of spiral beam transmission in free space.)
    2008-12-29 10:39:33下载
  • 02
    说明:  我上传了一本MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及应用,这是一本不错的书,对大家学习遗传算法和熟悉MATLAB工具有很大的帮助作用。(I uploaded a MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox and its application, this is a good book, for everyone familiar with the study of genetic algorithm and MATLAB tools has a lot of help.)
    2007-10-27 19:47:15下载
  • sam_frequency
    说明:  我的matlab小作业,请各位同行多多指教(my Matlab small operations, please peer exhibitions)
    2006-04-04 10:40:31下载
  • RRRTrayectorias
    This matlab code shows different trajectories developed by a 3 planar revolute robot. It contains the code to describe a flower, espiral, etc
    2010-09-02 01:49:35下载
  • 0849308380
    avr codes to control motors
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  • guandao
    光纤陀螺误差建模与分析,北航惯性导航基础课程大作业,含matlab程序代码(FOG error modeling and analysis, Northern-based inertial navigation operations courses, including matlab code)
    2014-01-05 03:44:52下载
  • 10waveletnoise
    小波包变换分析信号的MATLAB程序 小波分析信号去噪 小波分解与重构经典程序(Wavelet packet transform analysis of signals in MATLAB program Signal de-noising wavelet decomposition wavelet analysis and reconstruction classic program)
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  • array-factor
    this document consists of the code to find the linear array radiation pattern
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