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于 2013-12-05 发布 文件大小:9KB
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  this is simulink of permanent current DC machine in matlab



0 个回复

  • snake
    贪吃蛇,大家都知道了,这个界面有点粗糙。顺便请问一下axis的 drawmode 设为 normal  或  fast 有什么区别。(As we all known, this is the snake game. The GUI isn t very well. By all means, it is not bad to make it by MATLAB.)
    2009-09-11 20:07:36下载
  • gabor_bank
    this code generates a bank of steerable gabor wavelets with variable orientation, scale
    2009-07-16 01:10:58下载
  • shuzhifenxizuoye
    这是本人的数值分析作业,希望能帮租到大家,里边有源程序,及解释说明,大家仔细看,肯定会理解(In order to improve the adaptation property of the system by making the best of the direction of distribution of radar measurement errors, a optimum estimation algorithm for Kepler orbit is proposed, which yields a maximum likelihood estimation of the Kepler orbit with multi-spatio-temporal state based on both the preprocessing of the small manoeuvring model and the determining of initial value parameter with two spatio-temporal state. )
    2012-10-27 10:34:24下载
  • my_2017pow_sixpulses
    this is a simulation matlab/simpowersysterm file forsix pulse converter
    2017-01-20 21:23:27下载
  • MatlabPlot
    作为一个功能强大的工具软件,Matlab具有很强的图形处理功能,提供了大量的二维、三维图形函数。由于系统采用面向对象的技术和丰富的矩阵运算,所以在图形处理方面即常方便又高效。(As a powerful software tool, Matlab has a strong graphics capabilities, providing a large number of two-dimensional, three-dimensional graphics functions. Since the system uses object-oriented technology and rich matrix computation, graphics processing, so that is often convenient and efficient.)
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  • 基于非相干信号子空间(ISM)的宽带源DOA估计方法
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