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于 2011-12-05 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  双稳态随机共振的一个仿真,随机共振的弱信号检测,运用朗格万方程进行MATLAB的仿真。(Simulation of a bistable stochastic resonance , stochastic resonance in weak signal detection , the use of Lange Wan equation for the MATLAB simulation)



0 个回复

  • FEC
    explain the coding and decoding of FEC
    2010-09-16 01:10:14下载
  • quxiannihe
    用曲线拟合的方式估计线性调频信号的初始频率及其调频斜率。得到的效果比较好。(Curve fitting way to estimate the initial frequency and chirp rate of the linear FM signal. Get better.)
    2020-09-02 20:58:53下载
  • Effective-cooperative-wideband-sensing-using-ener
    Good research paper for cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio
    2014-02-02 13:46:50下载
  • FitFun
    感应电动机的参数辨识,用于负荷建模的参数辨识的适应度函数,可以用遗传算法进行求解。(Induction motor parameter identification, the fitness function for load modeling parameter identification, we can use genetic algorithms to solve)
    2021-04-27 16:18:44下载
  • MATLAB-commands
    MATLAB编程用到的常用的命令及用法介绍。(Introduction of common commands used by the MATLAB programming and usage.)
    2012-05-20 07:11:51下载
  • bbbb
    摘 要:提出一种新的基于Pareto多目标进化免疫算法(PMEIA)。算法在每一代进化群体中选取最优非支配抗体保存到记忆细胞文档中 同时引入Parzen窗估计法计算记忆细胞的熵值,根据熵值对记忆细胞文档进行动更新,使算法向着理想Pareto最优边界搜索。此外,算法基于点在目标空间分况进行克隆选择,有利于得到分布较广的Pareto最优边界,且加快了收敛速度。与已有算法相比, PMEIA在收敛性、多样性,以及解的分布性方面都得到很好的提高。(Abstract:This paperproposed a new pareto-based multi-object evolutionary mi mune algorithm(PMEIA). PMEIA selected optmi alnon-dominated antibodieswhichwere then reserved inmemory cellarchive, and introducedParzenwindow to calculate entropy ofmemory cells. Updated thememory cell archive according to entropy ofmemory cells. This guarantees the conver- gence to the true Pareto fron.t Moreover, the performance of clone selection was dependent on distribution in the objective space, whichwas favorable forgetting awidely spreadPareto frontand mi proving convergence speed. Comparedwith the exis- ted algorithms, the obtained solutions ofPMEIA havemuch betterperformance in the convergence, diversity and distribution.)
    2010-01-09 13:08:12下载
  • Movie-for-EII
    使用matlab实现的等倾干涉关于波长等变量的动态图像生成代码,运行后直接生成avi动画。本人原创(Movie for equal inclination interference)
    2015-01-22 16:36:56下载
  • Project_STM32F4_FOC_Post
    Kiel matlab project taken from website see any fault exist report me.Squirrel-cage induction motors (IM) are the workhorse of industries for variable speed applications in a wide power range that covers from fractional watt to megawatts. However, the torque and speed control of these motors is difficult because of their nonlinear and complex structure. In the past five decades, a lot of advanced control schemes for IM drive appeared. First, in the 1960’s, the principle of speed control was based on an IM model considered just for steady state. Therefore, the so-called “scalar control methods” cannot
    2014-09-15 15:00:04下载
  • mallat算法的MATLAB
    说明:  一个很好的MALLAT算法是MATLAB实现原代码,具有很好的操作性。(a good MALLAT MATLAB algorithm is the original code, with very good operability.)
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  • enkf-matlab-0.30.tar
    集合卡尔曼滤波的Matlab程序,enkf-matlab-0.30,最新版本(EnKF-Matlab is designed primarily as a research and study tool. As a consequence, speed and memory usage are given a lower priority than simplicity and ease of use)
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