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于 2012-10-16 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  A buffer with 2 inputs and 2 outputs is implemented in this experiment. The buffer has a buffer size k=6 cells for each input buffer, and arrival rate lambda, λ. The Matlab software was used to make this buffer. Two 2*2 arrays were created as two for inputs and outputs, a 2*6 array is created as the body of buffer. This means the buffer can hold the 6 data from two sources and the buffer has two input ports and two outputs port. However, it can only have one write or arrival for each input per slot time or cycle time and it can only have one read for each output per cycle time. We can only read out once per cell time from a given input buffer.(A buffer with 2 inputs and 2 outputs is implemented in this experiment. The buffer has a buffer size k=6 cells for each input buffer, and arrival rate lambda, λ. The Matlab software was used to make this buffer. Two 2*2 arrays were created as two for inputs and outputs, a 2*6 array is created as the body of buffer. This means the buffer can hold the 6 data from two sources and the buffer has two input ports and two outputs port. However, it can only have one write or arrival for each input per slot time or cycle time and it can only have one read for each output per cycle time. We can only read out once per cell time from a given input buffer. )



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