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于 2013-10-31 发布 文件大小:16876KB
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  模式识别与智能计算——matlab技术实现(第2版)源代码(Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Computing- matlab technology (2nd Edition) source code)


pattern and Intelligent.iso,21987328,2013-10-31



0 个回复

  • region
    区域生长: 标注详细,参数可在程序中调整(Regional Growth: tagging detailed parameters can be adjusted in the procedure)
    2007-07-14 10:50:27下载
  • ga
    说明:  遗传算法设计的双关节机械手干扰观测器matlab6.5编写(Genetic algorithm design of two-joint manipulator disturbance observer to prepare matlab6.5)
    2009-03-30 10:19:47下载
  • jxtiq
    脊线提取是信号处理很重要的一个项内容 这里用MATLAB语言实现了脊线的提取 (Ridge extraction is a very important signal processing items here in MATLAB language to implement the extraction ridge)
    2020-12-04 17:09:24下载
  • s变换
    说明:  s变换的一个例子,关于一个冲击信号的s变换(An example of s transformation)
    2021-03-01 15:59:34下载
  • IIR_filter
    基于MATLAB_一种IIR数字带通滤波器的设计与仿真(Figures based on MATLAB_ a band-pass IIR filter design and simulation)
    2010-11-25 14:27:02下载
  • PIC
    程序均用matlab编写 ch ex 的文件是信号与系统频谱密度函数或者时移特性的展示 Advanced_Mathematica_picture_zoom是利用二次线性内插值法对彩色图片进行任意倍数的放大 每个程序都含有详细的注释(Programs are written in matlab chex file is spectrum density of signal and system function or moving features of the display Advanced_Mathematica_picture_zoom using quadratic linear interpolation method in arbitrary multiple amplification was carried out on the color images Every program contains detailed annotations)
    2014-09-10 20:40:49下载
  • fisher
    线性分类器,采用的是Fisher准则,对人的身高体重的分类(Linear classifier, using the Fisher criterion for the classification of people' s height and weight)
    2011-06-07 22:46:23下载
  • alphaBetaFilter
    The function alphaBetaFilter implements a generic algorithm for an alpha-beta filter that is a linear state estimation for position and velocity given an observed data. It acts like a smoothing. Also closely related to Kalman filters and to linear state observers used in control theory. Its principal advantage is that it does not require a detailed system model.
    2013-09-21 19:02:59下载
  • 28 梁晏宾
    1.采用遗传算法对男女生样本数据中的身高,体重,喜欢数学,喜欢文学,喜欢运动,喜欢模式识别共6个特征进行特征选择,并基于所得到的最佳特征采用SVM设计男女生分类器,并计算模型预测性能(包含SE,SP,ACC和AUC )。要求自行编写代码实现遗传算法。(1. using genetic algorithm based on the sample data of male and female students in height, weight, love mathematics, love literature, love sports, love pattern recognition feature selection for a total of 6 characteristics, and based on the best features obtained by SVM design and classifier, and the computing model prediction performance (including SE, SP, ACC and AUC). Self coding is required to implement genetic algorithms.)
    2017-11-26 19:15:21下载
  • s_power_spectrum
    to show power spectrum of seismic data
    2012-07-31 19:15:29下载
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