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于 2013-04-17 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  NW_net small world 小世界网络,运行无错误,推荐下载!(NW_net small world of small-world networks, error-free operation, it is recommended to download!)



0 个回复

  • dftsum_by_anup
    Matlab function to implement the DFT equation: X = DFTsum(x) where x is an N point vector containing the values x(0),..., x (N − 1) and X is the corresponding DFT.
    2015-01-11 02:10:03下载
  • 路径规划
    这个压缩包里含有的代码是采用蚁群算法解决路径规划问题(Using Ant Colony Algorithm to Solve Path Planning Problem)
    2020-06-16 06:20:01下载
  • LP-filter
    low pass filter souce code
    2009-05-12 15:57:43下载
  • main
    一个程序关于车牌检测的识别,之中包括图像的一系列处理,预处理、图像灰度化、二值化、腐蚀等等(solve about edge!)
    2012-05-27 17:26:06下载
  • AODV
    truetime 的例子(I),介绍AODV,使用truetime2.0(truetime example (I))
    2010-08-21 21:10:59下载
  • interpolator
    说明:  插值滤波器,用于音频解码调制解调,滤波器系数用移位相加实现(Interpolation filter, audio decoder for modulation and demodulation, filter coefficient shift combined with the realization of)
    2008-10-21 12:49:38下载
  • Solution-of-nonlinear-equations
    matlab对非线性方程组的求解案例分析,包括多种数值解法的m文件(the matlab case analysis of non-linear equations, including a variety of numerical solution of the m file)
    2013-01-03 17:12:11下载
  • JumpBallluodi
    小球落地弹跳过程仿真。 可以在界面中输入小球的初始高度,初速度,落地弹跳后的能量损失,重力加速度等参数来显示小球的运动轨迹。(bouncing ball landed process simulation. The input interface of the initial ball high early speed, bouncing landing after the energy losses gravity parameters to show the ball trajectory.)
    2006-06-09 00:52:59下载
  • mlclass-ex6
    支持向量机,实现2或多分类,基于matlab仿真,内有说明(ex6.m- Octave script for the rst half of the exercise ex6data1.mat- Example Dataset 1 ex6data2.mat- Example Dataset 2 ex6data3.mat- Example Dataset 3 svmTrain.m- SVM rraining function svmPredict.m- SVM prediction function plotData.m- Plot 2D data visualizeBoundaryLinear.m- Plot linear boundary visualizeBoundary.m- Plot non-linear boundary linearKernel.m- Linear kernel for SVM [?] gaussianKernel.m- Gaussian kernel for SVM [?] dataset3Params.m- Parameters to use for Dataset 3 ex6 spam.m- Octave script for the second half of the exercise spamTrain.mat- Spam training set 1 spamTest.mat- Spam test set emailSample1.txt- Sample email 1 emailSample2.txt- Sample email 2 spamSample1.txt- Sample spam 1 spamSample2.txt- Sample spam 2 vocab.txt- Vocabulary list getVocabList.m- Load vocabulary list porterStemmer.m- Stemming function readFile.m- Reads a le into a character string submit.m- Submission script that sends your solutions to our servers submitWeb.m- Alternative s)
    2016-03-14 09:23:18下载
  • M_G_file
    Matlab图形的程序等练习,有需要的下吧吧用积分(Matlab graphics program such as exercise, there is a need to let it use the next integral)
    2007-09-07 08:15:34下载
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