快速浏览时间序列数据。而且可以直接创建时间序列的图示,非常方便快捷。(MAT2FIGURE allows you to review timeseries data contained in a matfile very fast and efficiently. Furthermore, the created figure file can be used to distribute these data. After opening a matfile, mat2figure scans (struct) arrays for vector signals, tries to determine the time signal (if not specified at commandline) and creates a figure with built-in signal browser. Among the features are: - At signal selector, each signal is marked, whether it s an ordinary signal, just has constant values or is monotonically in-/decreasing - Signals can be plotted into existing or new subplots, time axes are linked and subplots can be rearranged in up to 6 columns - snapshots of current plots can be created for switching between different views very fast - figure can be printed to clipboard, eps- or png-file with hidden menubar - timeseries data are stored within the figure-file and can be exported to matfile or to workspace - convenient handling via keyboard shortcuts - signal viewer)