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于 2013-12-01 发布 文件大小:493KB
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  小伟报名参加中央电视台的智力大冲浪节目,本次挑战赛吸引了众多参赛者,主持人为了表彰大家的勇气,先奖励每个参赛者m元。先不要太高兴!因为这些钱还不一定都是你的!接下来主持人宣布了比赛规则: 首先,比赛时间分为n个时段(n≤500),它又给出了很多小游戏,每个小游戏都必须在规定期限ti前完成(1≤ti≤n)。如果一个游戏没能在规定期限前完成,则要从奖励费m元中扣去一部分钱wi,wi为自然数,不同的游戏扣去的钱是不一样的。当然,每个游戏本身都很简单,保证每个参赛者都能在一个时段内完成,而且都必须从整时段开始。主持人只是想考考每个参赛者如何安排组织自己做游戏的顺序。作为参赛者,小伟很想赢得冠军,当然更想赢取最多的钱!注意:比赛绝对不会让参赛者赔钱! (Xiaowei enroll CCTV intellectual big surf program, The Challenge has attracted many participants, we commend the courage to host first award each participant m, respectively. Let us not be too happy! Because these are not necessarily paying the money you! Then the host announced the rules of the game: First, the game is divided into n time periods (n ≤ 500), it also gives a lot of games, each game must be completed before the specified period ti (1 ≤ ti ≤ n). If a game could not be completed before the specified period, the deduction from the fee m-ary part of the money in reward wi, wi is a natural number, different game deduct money is not the same. Of course, every game itself is very simple, to ensure that each participant can be completed within a period of time, but must start from the entire period. Moderator just want to quiz each participant how to make their own arrangements for the organization of the game in order. As a participant, Xiaowei wanted to win, of course, want t)



0 个回复

  • 2004102120533898
    经典小游戏很好的的在品台上运行,希望大家能喜欢(A good classic game to run on stage in the product, I hope you like)
    2011-09-21 12:30:27下载
  • 111
    俄罗斯方块 Visual C++ 6 源码(Tetris Visual C++ 6 source)
    2007-11-25 09:42:25下载
  • blockgame
    this block game source
    2008-02-26 22:49:47下载
  • caiquan
    石头,剪刀,布:设计一个游戏,让用户与计算机玩“石头,剪刀,布”游戏,要求:  程序能够统计玩的次数以及每一次的结果,说明是谁赢了,还是平了;  计算机出牌的最简单的方法是随机算法,请尝试考虑能不能设置一种分析用户出牌规律的算法,让计算机能够赢用户的几率大于50 。 (Rock, scissors, cloth: to design a game, let the user and the computer to play stone, scissors, cloth game, requirements:  program to play the number of statistics and the result of every time, that is who won, or flat  computer play the most simple way is random algorithm, please try to consider the user can set up a kind of analysis play rule algorithm, is greater than 50 chance to win the user s computer.)
    2020-07-04 13:20:02下载
  • betterCards
    简单的扑克牌游戏代码。只作为学习参考使用,请不要用于商业用途。(simple card games code. Only use as a study reference, please do not for commercial purposes.)
    2007-05-17 23:58:21下载
  • wow_winwin_source
    directx版本的wow客户端源码,是国人写的哦(directx version of the wow client source code is written by people oh)
    2008-06-12 09:03:35下载
  • worldguard-5.7.3
    worldedit java plugin
    2013-07-27 22:15:42下载
  • MFC_Othell14882010282002
    this is small othello game. you can see the source and everything pls download it and learn
    2012-03-31 21:56:42下载
  • bomb-game
    扫雷游戏的C++代码,适用于学习C++的初学者,有助于理解程序,提升能力。( Minesweeper game C++ code, suitable for beginners to learn C++, to help understand the process, enhance the capacity. Minesweeper game C++ code, suitable for beginners to learn C++, to help understand the process, enhance the capacity.)
    2014-01-03 10:24:46下载
  • 24dianlunwen
    一个24点游戏的论文,可以作为格式来用,也可以用来自己做游戏(The papers of a 24-point game, as the format to use, can also be used to make their own game)
    2012-07-21 12:45:36下载
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