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于 2020-10-19 发布 文件大小:384KB
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  相机标定源代码,包含张正友,Tsai等基于matlab的相机标定方法。(Camera calibration source code, including Zhang Zhengyou, Tsai camera calibration method based on Matlab.)


..............\....\read me.txt,678,2004-08-05
..............\.....\read me.txt,244,2004-08-05



0 个回复

  • 基于QT和EasyPR的车牌识别软件
    2021-06-15 00:31:18下载
  • KPCA
    为解决PCA不适合多指标综合分析中非线性主成分分析的问题 ,采用核主成分分析 (kpca)方法 ,对我国不同地区 16种腐乳的品质进行了综合评价。 (PCA is not suitable to address the many indicators of a comprehensive analysis of non-linear principal component analysis of the problem, using Kernel Principal Component Analysis (kpca) method, 16 kinds of different regions of our country the quality of fermented bean curd had a comprehensive evaluation.)
    2009-03-25 17:03:57下载
  • 数字用到的标准测试 typical
    数字图像处理用到的标准测试图像,很多图片。(IMP test images。)
    2013-10-24 22:18:01下载
  • Project_BFS
    任务:用BFS或是DFS对图进行搜索,实现任何拓扑不连通的块的计算,算法要求写在CBFSSearch类中 工程名:Project_BFS 要求:对于生成的任意拓扑,求出其分枝个数,并输出每个分枝的节点 (Task: Using BFS or DFS for searching the graph to achieve any topology unconnected blocks calculation algorithm requires written in CBFSSearch class project name: Project_BFS Requirements: for generating arbitrary topology, find the number of its branches, and output node of each branch)
    2013-08-21 17:03:04下载
  • xzjz
    本代码功能是将图像旋转任意角度,为进一步的图像处理做铺垫。(The code function is to rotate the image at any angle, laying the groundwork for further image processing.)
    2010-08-07 12:59:02下载
  • huidushuxingceliang
    灰度图像的属性计算:利用bwlabel和regionprops函数对度量二值图像中目标对象的属性。(Attribute gray image: Using bwlabel and regionprops function measure binary image of the target object attributes.)
    2013-12-28 10:41:42下载
  • liver_ultr
    Abstract—Noninvasive ultrasound imaging of carotid plaques allows for the development of plaque-image analysis methods associated with the risk of stroke. This paper presents several plaqueimage analysis methods that have been developed over the past years. The paper begins with a review of clinical methods for visual classification that have led to standardized methods for image acquisition, describes methods for image segmentation and denoizing, and provides an overview of the several texture-feature extraction and classification methods that have been applied. We provide a summary of emerging trends in 3-D imaging methods and plaque-motion analysis. Finally, we provide a discussion of the emerging trends and future directions in our concluding remarks.
    2013-10-28 12:36:04下载
  • Jpeg_ImageProcess
    说明:  本程序在EVC4.0+PPC SDK 2003下调试通过。用Independent JPEG Group发行的JpegLib进行Jpeg图像的读取与保存。(This procedure in EVC4.0+ PPC SDK 2003 adopted under the debugger. By Independent JPEG Group issued JpegLib to read Jpeg images and preservation.)
    2008-11-18 10:27:54下载
  • fast-parrallel-and-opta
    经典复合式指纹细化算法源码,算法步骤为先用快速并行算法遍历,后用OPTA算法遍历,附有注释。(Classic composite fingerprint thinning algorithm source code, for the first step of the algorithm with fast parallel algorithm traversal traversal algorithm after using OPTA, annotated.)
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  • Detecter_and_Color segmetation
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