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于 2015-01-08 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  该算法是多层递阶预报算法,可以实现时间序列的有效预测!(The algorithm is a multi-recursive prediction algorithm can be implemented effectively predict time series!)



0 个回复

  • matlab_ziliao
    经典matlab培训课件,非常好,简单易学.(Matlab classical training courseware, very good, easy to learn.)
    2007-09-06 17:48:05下载
  • Archivo-comprimido
    multifractal dfa analysis with matlab code within
    2011-06-03 18:58:40下载
  • HEV_Model
    利用matlab建立了一个混合动力电动汽车模型,其中包括电子、动力传动系统、电气系统的物理模型仿真模块组,可配置为系统级测试或电能质量分析。压缩包内含2011-2016各版本,具体可阅读自述文件。(Using matlab built a hybrid electric vehicle models, including the physical model simulation module group in electronics, powertrain, electrical system can be configured for system level testing or power quality analysis. 2011-2016 archive contains versions, specifically, read the README file)
    2020-06-29 06:20:02下载
  • codestatcom
    A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), also known as a "static synchronous condenser" ("STATCON"), is a regulating device used on alternating current electricity transmission networks. It is based on a power electronics voltage-source converter and can act as either a source or sink of reactive AC power to an electricity network. If connected to a source of power it can also provide active AC power. It is a member of the FACTS family of devices.
    2013-10-14 22:51:20下载
  • yiqunsuanfa
    各种蚁群算法详细介绍,详细的例程和讲解。(Details of the various ant algorithms, routines and explain in detail.)
    2010-07-28 16:39:30下载
  • GM11
    基于灰色GM(1,1)理论的电力系统负荷预测程序 (Based on Gray GM (1,1) theory of power system load forecasting procedures)
    2021-04-20 10:58:51下载
  • gaborfilter
    gabor filter which will image as input and some parameters as gabor
    2011-11-17 14:25:19下载
  • amcmf
    自适应形态滤波算法用于对非线性信号进行有效滤波 根据信号的极值点确定 结构元素的长度大小和高度(Adaptive morphological filtering algorithm for effectively filtering the extreme points of the signal to determine the size and height of the length of the structural elements of the non-linear signal)
    2012-12-03 20:09:31下载
  • Metaheuristic
    M e t a h e u r i s t i c 算法的实例,(M etaheuristic algorithm instance,)
    2010-01-06 01:15:24下载
  • Bandwidth_Allocation_and_Service_Handoff_in_IEEE80
    说明:  本文针对无线网络中的多种服务类型,对 无线网络的带宽分配和接入方式进行分析,深入分析了不同类型的网络带宽资源 分配和调度算法在运行过程中对网络性能的影响。同时,本文也针对切换服务对 无线网络带宽分配的影响情况进行了分析,对切换服务的路由重建方式进行优 化,提高网络的实际运行性能。(This paper has analyzed the bandwidth allocating process of wireless network with different services types and compared the performance of different bandwidth allocating schemes. At the same time, this paper also gives an eye to the impact brought by handoff process. We have optimized the handoff rerouting process to improve the performance when the handoff process tack place. The main work and contributions are presented in the following aspects.)
    2010-04-28 16:02:11下载
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