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lisan-Hopfield-Shenjingwangluo-matlab例程 - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn
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于 2015-01-08 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  离散Hopfield神经网络的分类优化计算,在M ATLAB中完美运行(Calculation of classification optimization of discrete Hopfield neural networks, function perfectly in the M ATLAB)



0 个回复

  • NXT-toolbox
    乐高公司开发的NXT机器人,通过matlab进行编程的小工具箱(Lego NXT robot, developed by a small toolbox matlab programming)
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    For the 3d implementations, the source files for the in-core version are in the directory fdct3d
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    DK-SVD,CVPR文章 Discriminative K-SVD dictionary learning for face recognition 源码,效果好于原始SRC(DK-SVD,the source code of CVPR paper Discriminative K-SVD dictionary learning for face recognition, its has a better performance than the classical SRC classifier )
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