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于 2021-05-07 发布 文件大小:41KB
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  内模控制实现程序 基于MATLAB2010a环境下实现(Implement procedures based on internal model control environment to achieve MATLAB2010a)



0 个回复

  • AdaptGA
    matlab 自适应遗传算法源程序,用到了G-S正交化分解,大家可以用QR分解做一下,应该会使程序更简单一点.(Matlab adaptive genetic algorithm source code, used in the G-S orthogonal decomposition. We can do something QR decomposition, the process would be simpler 1:00.)
    2006-10-14 10:49:52下载
  • user-signal-detection-method
    基于慢衰落信道特性和OFDM系统的应用,本文给出了一种基于互补符号对的易实现的无静默期检测方法,用以实现主用户信号检测功能。 (Based on the signal of eliminating the Lord without silent period user signal detection method)
    2011-05-22 21:13:44下载
  • fdatool
    一份FDAtool使用、参数设置较详细的资料( FDATOOL)
    2013-09-03 19:11:05下载
  • lagrange-matlab
    拉格朗日插值法,输入x,y,再输入变量xi,就可以求得yi。(Lagrange interpolation method, the input x, y, and input variables xi, yi obtained.)
    2011-12-16 13:32:51下载
  • chapter3
    数字信号处理及其matlab实现 (美) Vinay k.ingle john g.proakis著 第三章(Digital signal processing and matlab implementation (U.S.) Vinay k.ingle john g.proakis the third chapter)
    2009-09-21 20:58:36下载
  • speech
    说明:  我最近用MATLAB做的语音处理实验,含有3种处理方式,希望对大家有帮助。(I have recently done with MATLAB voice processing experiments, containing three kinds of approach, I hope all of you help.)
    2008-11-08 14:09:36下载
  • libsvm-2.84
    说明:  LIBSVM是台湾大学林智仁(Lin Chih-Jen)副教授等开发设计的一个简单、易于使用和快速有效的SVM模式识别与回归的软件包,他不但提供了编译好的可在Windows系列系统的执行文件,还提供了源代码,方便改进、修改以及在其它操作系统上应用;该软件还有一个特点,就是对SVM所涉及的参数调节相对比较少,提供了很多的默认参数,利用这些默认参数就可以解决很多问题;并且提供了交互检验(Cross Validation)的功能。(LIBSVM Taiwan University, Lin Zhiren (Lin Chih-Jen) and associate development and design of a simple, easy to use and fast and efficient SVM pattern recognition and regression of the package, he can not only provide a compiled implementation of the system in the Windows family of documents , also provides the source code to facilitate the improvement, modification and other operating systems applications the software has a feature that the parameters of the SVM involves relatively small adjustment to provide a lot of default parameters, use the default parameters on can solve many problems and to provide a cross-validation (Cross Validation) feature.)
    2010-04-28 22:30:33下载
  • 8PAM
    通信系统中的信号调制与解调技术,对信号采用8PAM的脉冲幅度调制进行仿真分析(Communication system signal modulation and demodulation techniques, using a pulse width modulated signal 8PAM of simulation analysis)
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  • tuoyuan
    基于MATLAB的椭圆型方程有限查分法求解源代码(MATLAB based on the elliptic equation method for solving the limited search source code)
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