首页 » matlab » ReBEL-0.2.7


于 2011-11-30 发布 文件大小:1571KB
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  包括kf,ekf,pf,upf可以自己定制模型参数,完成滤波(ReBEL currently contains most of the following functional units which can be used for state-, parameter- and joint-estimation: Kalman filter Extended Kalman filter Sigma-Point Kalman filters (SPKF) Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) Central difference Kalman filter (CDKF) Square-root SPKFs Gaussian mixture SPKFs Iterated SPKF SPKF smoothers Particle filters Generic SIR particle filter Gaussian sum particle filter Sigma-point particle filter Gaussian mixture sigma-point particle filter Rao-Blackwellized particle filters The italicized algorithms above are not fully functional yet (or included in the current release), but will be in the next or future releases. The code is designed to be as general, modular and extensible as possible, while at the same time trying to be as computationally efficient as possible. It has been tested with Matlab 7.2 (R2006a). )


...........\htm" target=_blank>Bugfixes,3836,2006-10-03
...........\htm" target=_blank>ChangeLog,5384,2006-09-21




0 个回复

  • Manifold
    很不错的流形学习算法 包含了MDS PCA ISOMAP LLE等算法(Very good manifold learning algorithm includes the MDS PCA ISOMAP LLE, such as eight kinds of algorithms)
    2009-03-23 10:55:22下载
  • fractal
    分形,是以非整数维形式充填空间的形态特征。分形可以说是来自于一种思维上的理论存在。(Fractal, is filling in the form of non-integer dimension of space morphology. Fractal can be said to come from the existence of a theory of thinking.)
    2010-09-28 21:10:48下载
  • voiceanalasis
    运用matlab工具对语音信号处理的几个方面:短时能量、端点检测、和功率谱及短时傅立叶变换特性作了简单的分析。(use Matlab tool for voice signal processing areas : short-term energy and endpoint detection, and the power spectrum and the characteristics of short-time Fourier transform with a simple analysis.)
    2007-01-13 22:47:28下载
  • vcPP6.0
    仿真火车站的站场图,可以办理进路,显示信号机,单操,单锁道岔等功能(Simulation Station station map, you can handle into the road.)
    2013-11-23 17:46:30下载
  • RKF78QS
    调用RKF78的子过程,步长控制采用《人造卫星精密轨道确定》(RKF78 call sub-process, step-size control of the use of )
    2007-09-28 00:05:57下载
  • FastICA_algorithm
    FASTICA can be called with numerous optional arguments. Optional arguments are given in parameter pairs, so that first argument is the name of the parameter and the next argument is the value for that parameter. Optional parameter pairs can be given in any order.
    2008-08-19 07:13:14下载
  • FIR
    FIR滤波器中汉宁窗和布莱克曼窗幅频特性曲线和相频特性曲线对比(FIR filter Hanning window and Blackman window of amplitude-frequency curve and phase frequency response curve compared)
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  • cd
    说明:  数字信号处理 理论 算法与实现.配书光盘.C.Fortran.Matlab(Digital Signal Processing Theory and Implementation of Algorithm. CD-ROM with the book. C.Fortran.Matlab)
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  • SNR
    求信噪比的MATLAB源代码,用于通信系统学习(the matlab code for work out the SNR,for communication study)
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  • congshuang
    MATLAB工具箱的神经网络理论与应用程序源代码 丛爽编,国科学技术大学出版社(Toolbox for MATLAB neural network theory and application source code is compiled Cong Shuang, State University of Science and Technology Press)
    2013-11-24 23:01:16下载
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