其实操作系统在调用 main 函数时是传参数的,main 函数最标准的形式应该是 int main(int argc, char *argv[]),在第 6 节 “指向指针的指针与指针数组” 详细介绍。C 标准也允许 int main(void)这种写法,如果不使用系统传进来的两 个参数也可以写成这种形式。但除了这两种形式之外,定义 main 函数的其它写法都 是错误的或不可移植的。(The 88-bytes (704-bits) in the Configuration zone contain manufacturing identification data, general device, and system configuration, and access restriction control values for the slots within the Data zone. The values of these bytes can always be obtained using the Read command. The bytes of this zone are arranged as shown in Table 2-2)