网上能下载的本书的中文版均缺少89和97两页,又此书已绝版,本人只好从英文完整版中摘录缺少的内容,分别补全了这两页的内容。注:英文完整版也已经作为PDF的附件加了进去。 我也上传到了IASK,不能下载的朋友可以去搜索“(中文版)支持向量机导论.rar”(Internet can download the Chinese version of the book were missing two 89 and 97, and the book is out of print, I had to excerpts missing content from the English full version, respectively, to complement the content of the two pages. Note: The full version of English has also been added as an attachment inside a PDF. I also uploaded to the IASK, can not download friends can go search for "(Chinese version) Introduction to Support Vector Machines. Rar")