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于 2013-11-27 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  断层插值函数代码,采用matlab软件环境编制(Fault code matlab interpolation function, the soft environment system )



0 个回复

  • mani
    流形学习 经典matlab图形界面 含八种算法(Manifold learning classical matlab graphical interface containing eight algorithms)
    2008-03-13 14:25:33下载
  • MatlabCode
    front tracking method for free surface or structure movement.
    2012-03-30 16:07:07下载
  • 8427950yuzhi
    用于数据信号去噪,非常好用,值得强烈推荐,强烈推荐(For data signal denoising, very easy to use, highly recommended, highly recommended)
    2019-03-04 20:33:43下载
  • BPalgorithm
    说明:  自己编写的BP算法,里面有些参数可以自己修改(bp)
    2010-05-02 10:37:01下载
  • 多径信道下可有效提高频偏估计性能
    文章对几种常用的基于循环前缀(CP)的最大似然同步算法进行了分析,并对其频偏估计方差进行了比较;同 时针对基于CP 的同步算法在多径衰落信道下性能较差的情况,提出了一种改进的CP 同步算法并进行了仿真,结果表明相比 于原ML 算法,文中算法在多径信道下可有效提高频偏估计性能。(】This paper does some research on multiple maximum-likelihood (ML) algorithms based on cyclic prefix (CP) and compares variances of frequency-offset estimation After the analysis of the bad performance of CP based algorithms in multi-path fading channels, an improved CP algorithm is proposed and the simulation shows that this algorithm can improve its performance effectively in multi-path fading channels.)
    2010-05-18 18:29:39下载
  • NNDeeplearning
    深度学习的一些工具包和一些例程,有关于BP神经网络,卷积神经网络等。用于熟悉相关算法基本够用。比较适合想了解此类内容的初学者。(Some Tools of deep learning. Eg:NN,CNN,BP and so on. It s pretty well to student.)
    2015-11-29 21:53:29下载
  • ButterworthFilter
    an introduction to butterworht filter
    2010-07-30 15:18:04下载
    数字通信仿真程序,BPSK调制在高斯白噪声信道下的误码率分析。(digital communications simulation program, BPSK modulation in Gaussian white noise channel BER analysis.)
    2006-07-11 20:47:14下载
  • Modul_5_audio
    quantization simulation for audio file, mulaw and uniform
    2014-11-28 17:07:19下载
  • matlab-accessory_parameter
    lingjian.m-----蒙特卡罗方法 lingjian.m使用零件初始值,用蒙特卡罗方法算出总费用。其中使用了自己编制的正态分布随机数发生器产生正态分布随机数。lingjian.m是对蒙特卡罗方法的一次练习。 accyouhua为标定值的函数,而lingjian不是一个函数,在其中已给出了一组标定值的值。 退火确定标定值/unitanneal()----模拟退火 连续型多个变量组合优化问题 这是对模拟退火方法的一次练习,结果证明模拟退火确实是一个行之有效的方法。 当参数选择较好时(一般也伴随着运行时间的加长),模拟退火的结果较好,然而用MATLAB的FMIMCON()一般可达到更高的精度。(lingjian.m---- Monte Carlo method. 氀椀渀最樀椀愀渀.m Part initial value, using the Monte Carlo method to calculate the total cost. The preparation of their own normal distribution random number generator to generate normally distributed random numbers. lingjian.m is the first practice of the Monte Carlo method. accyouhua calibration value the function lingjian not a function, which gives the value of a set of calibration values. Annealing to determine the calibrated value/unitanneal ()---- Simulated Annealing 吀栀攀 continuous multiple variables combinatorial optimization problems 吀栀椀猀 is an exercise of the simulated annealing method, the results show that the simulated annealing is an effective method. 圀栀攀渀 the parameter selection is better (generally accompanied by a longer running time), simulated annealing results, however using MATLAB FMIMCON () generally achieve higher accuracy.)
    2013-04-06 16:54:10下载
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