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于 2011-11-28 发布 文件大小:1513KB
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  WPC协议规定的无线充电的基本原理与设计规范,是对无线电力传输爱好者的必备资料(WPC agreement provides for the basic principles of wireless charging and design specifications, is essential for wireless power transmission enthusiasts information)





0 个回复

  • SC16C554_SC16C654_SC16C554B_SC16C654B_ISA
    SC16C554/SC16C654/SC16C554B/SC16C654B ISA 总线硬件接口示例
    2009-02-18 10:51:25下载
  • 铝型材锯切控制程序
    PLC control program, automatic cutting production line for aluminium profile
    2019-05-27 11:23:51下载
  • AUV-motion-control-system-design
    自主水下机器人运动控制系统设计,word文件,有图有公式,比较不错!(Autonomous underwater robot motion control system design, word documents, there are pictures and formulas, quite good!)
    2021-03-17 15:19:20下载
  • small-target-detection-
    介绍了经典的时频分布和检测理论的同时,作者利用时频分布的方法,将一 维时间信号转化到二维的时频空间中,通过提取图像的特征来判决信号和杂波, 采用的数据是使用McMaster IPIX雷达,在加拿大东海岸附近测得的。实测数据 研究表明此方法可以得到很好的检测结果。 (In this paper,we first review the time-frequency analysis and time -frequency-based detection methods.Secondly,by analyzing a mass of the measured data of sea clutter,we show the difference of time-frequency geometric features between echoes with a target and pure sea clutter.Finally,we given the detection algorithm based on the time-frequency geometric features.The results of the measured data show that the proposed method can effectively find low-velocity small targets in sea clutter.This approach is a novel try to detect small targets in sea clutter.)
    2012-03-12 14:08:00下载
  • vm
    说明:  Owing to the broad application value of audio watermarking in remote transmission and mobile extraction, it is very important to study watermarking approaches against A/D and D/A conversion. Based on wavelet decomposition and cepstrum technology, an audio watermarking algorithm is proposed where the low-frequency wavelet coefficients are chosen for cepstrum transforming. Then, the obtained cepstrum data shows stable for watermark hiding by the methods of edging data cutting and statistical mean modification. The synchronization is not required in the algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can resist on the attack of A/D and D/A successfully with features of large capacity and zero bit error. It will be helpful for the mobile audio in secure broadcast and management in the
    2010-02-05 01:56:27下载
  • guangxingtianwen
    哈尔滨工业大学硕士论文,关于惯性/天文组合导航方面的,有较好的参考价值(Harbin Institute of Technology master' s thesis on the inertial/navigation aspects of astronomy, a good reference value)
    2011-01-10 15:08:13下载
  • 3-level-NPC-voltage-source-PWM-inverters
    A comprehensive study of neutral-point voltage balancing problem in three-level neutral-point-clamped voltage source PWM inverters.
    2011-09-07 14:26:09下载
  • 23模拟篇
    说明:  用于全国电子设计大赛 备赛资料,ment of real-time displaying the position coord(The purpose of the design is to get a more precise hand-written drawing board. We connect the copper clad board with a constant current source and introduce eight precise resistors. When the touch pen touches any)
    2020-06-18 07:20:01下载
  • wojieliuliangji
    涡街流量计数字信号处理系统的改进与实验 本文针对涡街流量计数字信号处理系统存在的不能测量小流量和易受电磁干扰的问题,对其软硬件方面进行了 改进。重新设计和研制了电荷放大器,提高了灵敏度,增强了适配能力。采取了合理的接地和屏蔽措施,提高了系统的抗干 扰能力。采用去均值和频谱校正的方法,改善了系统的测量精度。编制键盘监控软件,采用状态变量法设计键值分析程序, 实现人机对话功能。进行了液体流量和气体流量的标定实验,结果表明,改进后的数字信号处理系统比常规的流量计信号处 理系统的测量精度高、流程比宽和适配能力强。(Vortex Flowmeter digital signal processing system improvements and experimental In this paper, vortex flowmeter digital signal processing systems can not exist in measuring small flows and vulnerable to electromagnetic interference problems, its hardware and software aspects of the Improvement. To re-design and development of the charge amplifier, increasing sensitivity and enhanced adaptive capacity. Adopted a reasonable grounding and shielding measures to improve the system s anti-stem Interference capability. Used to mean and spectral correction methods to improve the system s measurement accuracy. The preparation of keyboard monitoring software, using state-variable method designed to key analytical procedures, Functions to achieve human-machine dialogue. Were liquid flow and gas flow calibration experiments, the results show that the improved digital signal processing systems than the conventional flow meter signal at Management System s high accuracy, process than the w)
    2010-02-01 08:14:53下载
  • mieca
    The Sub-Department of Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Physics in the University of Oxford maintains an archive of Mie scattering routines for both single spheres and populations of part
    2017-03-23 23:01:29下载
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