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于 2011-11-27 发布 文件大小:225KB
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  本设计通过利用VB 编写用户操作界面和MATLAB 实现后台运算及图形处理的混合编 程的方法,来完成对通信原理仿真系统的开发。设计中采用ActiveX 技术来实现VB 和MATLAB 之间的通信,在VB 应用程序内创建MATLAB ActiveX 对象,实现对MATLAB 的调用,最终 仿真实现信源编码解码、模拟调制解调、数字基带传输、数字调制解调等功能。(This design user interface written using VB and MATLAB computing and graphics processing to achieve the background of mixed programming method, to complete the simulation system for the development of communication theory. Design using ActiveX technology to achieve communication between VB and MATLAB, the VB application, create a MATLAB ActiveX object, call the MATLAB implementation, to achieve the ultimate source codec simulation, analog modem, digital baseband transmission, digital modulation and demodulation functions.)



0 个回复

  • MATLAB-signal-hanshu
    matlab信号处理常用函数参考书,分类清晰明了,对信号处理函数做了很好的分类,便于查询。(commonly used signal processing matlab function reference, classification clarity of the signal processing functions done a very good classification, easy to query.)
    2010-10-28 22:51:03下载
  • triad
    根据观测矢量,计算载体的三位姿态,这里选择的方法为经典的triad 方法。精度有限,但是简单实用(the determination of objuect attitude)
    2020-11-25 10:19:32下载
  • KineticsEst1_int1
    用积分法进行反应速率分析得到速率常数k和反应级数n(Integral method for analysis of the reaction rate by the rate constant k and reaction order n)
    2010-09-24 22:20:06下载
    毕设内容,高光谱图像基本处理,主要实现单波段提取与伪彩色图像合成功能,提供程序框架,更多功能只需嵌入即可。另用MATLAB写了其GUI。(Complete set content, the basic processing of hyperspectral images, mainly for single-band pseudo-color image extraction and synthesis, to provide procedural framework, more features can only embed. MATLAB was also used their GUI.)
    2010-06-11 18:16:47下载
  • sixG
    机车多功能实现交通电路,好好看看哈,英语名硬顶的斜对(good locomotive circuit for muitiple choices)
    2011-05-22 19:41:27下载
  • 59836202Reinforcement-learning
    强化学习源码,挺不错的,分享一下强化学习源码,挺不错的,(Reinforcement learning source, very good, reinforcement learning to share source code, very good,)
    2020-10-29 17:49:57下载
  • GP_correlation_dimension
    1、GP_Algorithm_main.m - 程序主文件 2、LorenzData.dll - 产生Lorenz离散数据 3、normalize_1.m - 数据归一化 4、correlation_interal.c - 计算关联积分的源代码文件 5. correlation_interal.dll-计算关联积分的mex文件 没有采用短暂分离的方法,该软件的C语言源文件使用的是路振波提供的 关联积分算法,在此说明和表示感谢! mex文件为matlab7.0版本,使用VC6.0的c语言编译器编译。 ">
    2006-12-27 12:17:09下载
  • Computational-Statistics-Handbook
    【数学仿真软件】Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB的源代码([T]his book is perfectly appropriate as a textbook for an introductory course on computational statistics. It covers many useful topics, which in combination with the well-documented code, make the underlying concepts easy to grasp by the students)
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  • water
    MIMO系统线性预编码和功率的研究,注水功率研究(Research on MIMO system of Linear Precoding and water power )
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  • ESM
    扩展的空间调制,打破了传统空间调制技术发送天线数目必须是2的幂数的限制,提高了频谱利用率。(The extented spatial modulation breaks the constraint of the traditional spatial modulation in which the number of the transmit antenna must be a power of 2 enchancing the spectrum efficiency.)
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