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于 2014-12-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  matlab源程序,可以仿真出来经典的BA无标度网络模型(Matlab source, can be simulated classic BA scale-free network model)



0 个回复

  • base_band
    base_band.rar文件解压后可以在matlab平台直接编译运行,实现通信系统的升余弦基带 成型处理,码元速率,采样率、滚降系数都可以灵活设置,特别方便学习通信的同学加深对基带信号的理解。(base_band.rar unzip the files can directly compile and run matlab platform to achieve communication system raised cosine baseband shaping processing, chip rate, sample rate, roll-off factor can be set flexibly, in particular, to facilitate students to learn to communicate better to the base band signal understanding.)
    2010-09-07 09:09:19下载
  • simpsons_rultest
    Shows parabolas used in Simpson s rule
    2011-01-21 09:28:01下载
  • New-WinRAR-ZIP-archive
    mat lab code for elim elim E*A = R factorization. E = elim(A) returns the elimination matrix E that gives the reduced row echelon form E*A = R. If A is square and invertible, then E = inv(A). [E, R] = elim(A) returns the elimination matrix E and the reduced row echelon form R.
    2011-11-02 20:31:49下载
  • PID-Matlab
    说明:  :针对PID参数复杂烦琐的整定过程这一问题,基于MATLAB/Simulink仿真环境,模拟工程稳 定边界法的PID参数整定策略和步骤,提出了一种简单有效的PID参数整定方法.与通常的整定方法 比较,其优点是非常直观、完全可视化操作、省去了编程的工作量.仿真结果表明该方法具有良好的收 敛性,使得控制系统动态性能得到有效改善,并且很大程度上减少了工作量.(Abstract:The process of PID parameters turning is complicated and time—consuming to engi— neering technician.To solve this problem.simulating the Z~ N method of engineering turn— ing,based on the MATLAB/simulink,a simple and eficient method for PID parameters turning is presented in this paper.Compares with the general methods,it has many advanta— ges,such as simplicity,visual manipulation,leaving out the workload of program and SO on. The simulation results show the effectiveness of this method and be fit for application in the engineering.)
    2011-03-09 09:35:36下载
  • IsomapR1
    说明:  Isomap code --------------------------------------- Author: Josh Tenenbaum (jbt@psych.stanford.edu) [Dijkstra code by Mark Steyvers (msteyver@psych.stanford.edu)]
    2010-04-16 05:15:12下载
  • Huffman_Node
    解决霍夫曼树的编码问题,二进制和十进制数可以相互转换(Huffman coding problem solving tree, binary and decimal numbers can be converted to each other.)
    2015-01-05 16:53:21下载
  • mimo-simulate-GUI
    主要为一个Gui演示平台,能仿真实现不同psk调制及不同状态数的STTC编码,在命令窗口输入ui_start即可进行(Gui primarily a demonstration platform, to achieve different simulation psk modulation and coding of different states of STTC in the command window can be input ui_start)
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  • 信号调制
    说明:  现代通信原理作业。窄带调频和窄带调相的方法来进行窄带角调制,还有ssb,vsb和pm调制的代码。(Modern communication principle operation. Narrowband modulation and narrowband phase modulation for narrowband angle modulation)
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  • matlab-robotics_toolbox
    自学MATLAB很好的资料,很多,全部免费。如 PUMA560的MATLAB仿真,要建立PUMA560的机器人对象,首先我们要了解PUMA560的D-H参数,之后我们可以利用Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的link和robot函数来建立PUMA560的机器人对象。 (Self MATLAB good information, a lot, all free of charge. matlab function in robotics toolbox commentary As PUMA560 MATLAB simulation, robot object PUMA560 to establish, first of all we have to understand the parameters PUMA560 DH, and then we can use the Robotics Toolbox Toolbox link and robot functions to build a robot object PUMA560.)
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  • key70
    matlab针对股指期货的分笔数据做的交易策略(matlab trading system for index futures)
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