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  VEDIO processing using matlab



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  • snakeplannig
    图像处理 蛇行法处理图像问题 Using Dynamic Programming for Solving Variational Problems in Vision(1)书中的一个例子(Image processing image processing problems hunting law)
    2013-11-28 18:52:54下载
  • chap5_1main
    2自由度机器人系统的MATLAB仿真运算并作图(MATLAB simulation operation two degrees of freedom robotic systems and mapping)
    2015-03-19 19:36:59下载
  • DSpproject3
    1. Consider the FIR system described by H(z) = 1/16(-1 + 9z--2 + 16z-3 + 9z--4 - z-6), and plot the pole-zero locations in the z-plane.(1. Consider the FIR system described by H(z) = 1/16(-1+ 9z--2+ 16z-3+ 9z--4- z-6), and plot the pole-zero locations in the z-plane.)
    2009-04-11 12:06:03下载
  • knnsearch
    寻找测试样本的最近邻,可以有效的用于用于模式识别,信号处理(This is a small but efficient tool to perform K-nearest neighbor search, which has wide Science and Engineering applications, such as pattern recognition, data mining and signal processing. The code was initially implemented through vectorization. After discussions with John D Errico, I realized that my algorithm will suffer numerical accurancy problem for data with large values. Then, after trying several approaches, I found simple loops with JIT acceleration is the most efficient solution. Now, the performance of the code is comparable with kd-tree even the latter is coded in a mex file. The code is very simple, hence is also suitable for beginner to learn knn search.)
    2010-03-16 14:08:11下载
  • BBExample
    本文件主要是关于分支定界算法的MATLAB程序,采用分支定界法来求取线性规划与非线性规划等问题的全局最优解。(This document is a MATLAB program on the branch and bound algorithm using the branch and bound method to strike a global optimal solution of linear programming and nonlinear programming problems.)
    2012-08-17 09:07:41下载
    面阵中二维角度估计 Unitary -ESPRIT算法MATLAB程序( Unitary-ESPRIT matlab algorithm)
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  • audio
    基于语音的基本特征的音色,音高,音调的书语音采集和识别的基本理论pdf和matlab源码(the recognition of audio based the charastics )
    2021-05-15 22:30:07下载
  • SEP
    说明:  集群异构无线传感器网络分簇路由选举协议,一种优于leach的分簇算法(A Stable Election Protocol for clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor networks)
    2020-07-09 14:18:55下载
  • matlab-DDE-code
    MATLAB中时延差分方程的解法代码及规则和例程(Solutions of delay difference equations in the MATLAB code and rules and routine)
    2014-12-22 19:26:32下载
  • voiceRecognitionSX
    这是一个基于DTW的语音识别算法,由matlab实现,相信对大家有帮助。(This is a DTW-based speech recognition algorithm by matlab to achieve, I believe that everyone has to help.)
    2013-11-18 16:14:02下载
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