Lua 就被设计成很容易和传统的 C/C++整合的语言。这种语言的二元性带 来了极大的好处。Lua 是一个小巧而简单的语言,因为 Lua 不致力于做 C 语言已经做得 很好的领域,比如:性能、底层操作以及与第三方软件的接口。Lua 依赖于 C 去做完成 这些任务。Lua 所提供的机制是 C 不善于的:高级语言、动态结构、简洁、易于测试和 调试等。正因为如此,Lua 具有良好的安全保证,自动内存管理,简便的字符串处理功 能及其他动态数据的改变。(Lua was designed to be easily integrated with the traditional C/C++ language. The duality of the language To the great benefits. Lua is a small and simple language, because the Lua is not committed to doing the C language has done Good domain, such as performance, the underlying operating and the interface with third party software. Lua is dependent on C to complete These tasks. Lua mechanism is provided by C are not good at: a high-level language, dynamic structure, concise, easy to test and Debugging, etc. Because of this, the Lua has good security, automatic memory management, simple string handling work Can change, and other dynamic data.)