研究了自然环境下的运动车辆的检测技术。讨论了各种车流量检测的算法,提出了可对存在渐变及重复性运动的场景进行建模的车流量检测算法,利用基于混合高斯背景建模方法,对背景进行更新,然后再利用所得的背景与当前视频帧进行相减,得到视频中车辆运动的前景图像,经过平滑去噪处理得到较为理想的车辆检测效果。(This paper studies the natural environment of moving vehicles in the testing technology Discussed the algorithm of vehicle detection all kinds of sports, Put forward the existing and repeatability of gradual change of scene modeling movement vehicle detection algorithm is proposed, Based on gauss background modeling method, Update to the background, Then reuse the background and the current income video frame subtracting on, Get the car in the prospect of motion video images, To deal with the noise through smooth get more ideal vehicle detection effect.)