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于 2012-10-02 发布 文件大小:14KB
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  同步发电机的调速器模型,适合用于电力系统仿真软件。(governor model PSCAD)





0 个回复

  • DC-DC
    基于STM32的开关电源设计论文+开关电源原理图,其本质就是DC-DC设计。(STM32-based design of switching power supply switching power supply schematic thesis+, its essence is DC-DC design.)
    2021-04-14 19:58:55下载
  • uCOSII2.91PUCGUI3.90A
    路虎开发板UC0S+UCGUI,LPC1768适用于路虎开发板(Land Rover development board UC0S+ UCGUI, LPC1768 development board for Land Rover)
    2011-05-24 21:04:12下载
  • SHT20测试程序
    进行温湿度传感在串口显示波特率为115200,也可以在lcd上显示需要添加相应的驱动文件(The baud rate of temperature and humidity sensor is 115200 on serial port, and the corresponding driver files can be added on LCD.)
    2020-06-23 03:00:02下载
  • 串口123
    说明:  STC8A8K32单片机1,2,3串口的综合应用,包括串口复用的切换。(STC8A8K32 MCU 1,2,3 serial port integrated application, including serial multiplexing switching.)
    2020-06-24 03:40:02下载
  • siegate
    For compliance with international standards COMTRADE data format conversion, COMTRADE power system automation is commonly used data formats.
    2016-06-27 13:36:53下载
  • 18b20
    这是一个厅在DS18B20数字温度计的C程序,精确度达到0.5摄氏度(This is a digital thermometer DS18B20 Office of C procedures, accuracy of 0.5 degrees Celsius)
    2007-12-23 16:44:45下载
  • power
    仪表 计量部分代码,采用ATMEL芯片,开发环境IAR(Water Meter Measurement and Display Code)
    2020-06-22 08:00:02下载
  • 2016.12-4上海电学院电梯课程设计4.0
    使用keil平台与C语言编写的51单片机程序,可以控制电机的转动,达到控制电梯的目的,经proteus仿真验证通过(The 51 single chip computer program written by the Keil platform and the C language can control the rotation of the motor and achieve the purpose of controlling the elevator. It is verified through the Proteus simulation.)
    2018-01-04 09:47:15下载
  • OV7670_2
    OV7670 Program this code help user how to run ov7670 Camera
    2018-09-21 20:36:52下载
  • ADC_DualModeInterleaved
    stm32f4 adc 的代码,双通道,用DMA保存数据。(stm32f4 family c code, adc This example provides a short description of how to use the ADC peripheral to convert a regular channel in Dual interleaved mode using DMA in mode 3 with 5Msps. DMA mode 3 is used in interleaved mode in 6-bit and 8-bit resolutions. The Dual interleaved delay is configured 6 ADC clk cycles. On each DMA request (two data items are available) two bytes representing two ADC-converted data items are transferred as a half word. The data transfer order is similar to that of the DMA mode 2. A DMA request is generated each time 2 data items are available 1st request: ADC_CDR[15:0] = (ADC2_DR[7:0] << 8) | ADC1_DR[7:0] 2nd request: ADC_CDR[15:0] = (ADC2_DR[7:0] << 8) | ADC1_DR[7:0] The ADC1 and ADC2 are configured to convert ADC Channel 12, with conversion triggered by software. By this way, ADC channel 12 is converted each 6 cycles. In this example, the system clock is 168MHz, APB2 =84MHz and ADC clock = APB2 /2. Since ADCCLK=)
    2013-10-14 19:06:26下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104554会员总数
  • 21今日下载