RS232通訊用GUI,可偵測PC上的所有Port供使用者選擇,並提供9600、115200兩個baud rate供使用者選擇(如需其他baud rate可自行於code內添加),提供RX、TX接收傳送功能,下方接收欄可接收第一個0x0A指令之前所有資料,右方接收欄則接收剩餘所有資料。(RS232 communication with the GUI, can be detected on all Port PC for users to choose and provide 9600,115200 two user selectable baud rate (for other baud rate can add their own in the code), to provide RX, TX reception transmission function, the receiver can receive all the information bar below before the first 0x0A command bar on the right to receive all the information you receive surplus.)