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于 2010-07-28 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  用形态学中骨骼化方法实现了图像细化,为后续工作如特征点提取提供了良好的素材(Method with skeletal morphology achieved thinning, for the follow-up, such as feature extraction provides a good material)



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  • connected_mode_jannettttttt
    Dear Sir this file describe and analyse the wind turbine so it is a new approach model
    2013-10-02 17:50:57下载
  • V2.0
    MATLAB GUI设计学习手记(第二版)源程序 附赠 俄罗斯方块V2.0 本书推荐的学习方法: 1)若您是一个MATLAB初学者,且有充裕的时间来学习GUI设计,您可以从本书的第1章开始循序渐进地学习。 2)若您是一位MATLAB初学者,且时间非常紧迫,建议您先学好第1章,然后依次学习第4章、第5章和第6章,其他章节请根据项目需要有选择性地学习。 3)若您已经掌握了MATLAB的基础语法知识,有一定的MATLAB编程基础,也请浏览一下第1章的内容,尤其是专题分析部分。然后先学习本书第4、5和6章,其他章节请根据项目需要有选择性地学习。 4)若您是一位MATLAB GUI方面的专家或老师,您可以将本书作为一本教学的参考书,本书内容全面、讲解详实、代码精炼,是不可多得的GUI宝典。 (MATLAB GUI design learning Hearts (second edition) source code comes with Tetris V2.0 book recommended learning methods: 1) If you are a MATLAB beginners, and there is plenty of time to learn GUI design from the Chapter 1 of the book began to learn step-by-step. 2) If you are a MATLAB beginners, and the time is very tight, it is recommended that you first learn to Chapter 1, followed by learning Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, in other sections based on project needs selective learning . 3) If you have mastered the basic grammar of the MATLAB, the MATLAB Programming Fundamentals, please visit the Chapter 1, in particular thematic analysis section. First learning book chapters 4, 5 and 6, then the other chapters selective learning based on project needs. 4) If you are an expert or teacher of a MATLAB GUI, you can book as a teaching reference books, the book is comprehensive, explain the detailed, refined code, is a rare GUI canon.)
    2012-11-15 18:48:16下载
  • fastkmeans
    fast k-means algorithm
    2009-04-07 21:01:51下载
  • pdelin
    用Matlab实现求偏微分数值解的有限元法。 波动方程是数学中一个常见于静电学、机械工程和理论物理的偏微分方程。(The main functionality of this component is to memorize the last strings that you entered in it. So, you have not to worry about save in an additional)
    2015-12-29 17:26:53下载
  • Learning-weka
    Weka based algorithms for clustering purposes
    2011-05-02 22:42:40下载
  • MATLAB-source-code-for-self-study
    适合初学者从入门到精通matlab编程所用,带有十三个部分的源代码,层层递进,个人感觉不错!(Suitable for beginners matlab programming from entry to the proficient use, with thirteen parts of the source code, progressive layers, personal feeling good!)
    2014-01-15 11:47:27下载
  • ch.5
    5第五章 数值计算.本章教授你如何使用MATLAB的数值计算功能。(chapter 5 would tell you how to use compute in the matlab。)
    2009-09-14 10:33:09下载
  • projection2
    自适应滤波应用与回声抵消,提供声音信号和很多算法,完全源代码,通过编译(Adaptive filtering and echo cancellation applications, providing a sound signal and a lot of algorithms, complete source code, compile)
    2014-09-10 16:56:31下载
  • sensorlessmras
    This is the file for sensorless model referance adaptive system.
    2013-02-23 20:22:44下载
  • juxingxinhao2
    产生周期矩形信号的matlab源程序,希望对大家有帮助(Produce periodic rectangular signal matlab source, we want to help)
    2012-10-19 01:19:34下载
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