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于 2013-11-19 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  Photonic crystals are attractive optical materials for controlling and manipulating the flow of light. One dimensional photonic crystals are already in widespread use in the form of thin-film optics with applications ranging from low and high reflection coatings on lenses and mirrors to colour changing paints and inks. Higher dimensional photonic crystals are of great interest for both fundamental and applied research, and the two dimensional ones are beginning to find commercial applications. The first commercial products involving two-dimensionally periodic photonic crystals are already available in the form of photonic-crystal fibers, which use a microscale structure to confine light with radically different characteristics compared to conventional optical fiber for applications in nonlinear devices and guiding exotic wavelengths. The three-dimensional counterparts are still far from commercialization but may offer additional features such as optical nonlinearity require



0 个回复

  • kmeans
    K均值有效执行++多元数据的聚类算法。它已经表明,该算法具有的总群集内距离的期望值是日志(K)的竞争力的上限。此外,K -均值++通常远高于香草收敛K均值少。(An efficient implementation of the k-means++ algorithm for clustering multivariate data. It has been shown that this algorithm has an upper bound for the expected value of the total intra-cluster distance which is log(k) competitive. Additionally, k-means++ usually converges in far fewer than vanilla k-means.)
    2011-05-23 11:27:50下载
  • digsilentaamatlab
    利用digsilent里的matlab接口实现对电机的控制。(Digsilent inside matlab use interface for motor control.)
    2015-02-14 16:56:21下载
  • ToqurVibratory
    说明:  22自由度齿轮动力学计算,利用ode45(22 DOF Gear Dynamics Calculation, Using ode45)
    2021-01-25 10:28:38下载
  • shortcircuit
    基于MATLAB的电力系统短路的程序,实用性很强,改一下就可以套用(MATLAB-based power system short-circuit the process, very practical, and change what you can apply)
    2010-01-26 22:08:18下载
  • MUSIC-revised
    本文是music算法的一种改进,其具有更好的性能,以及能够满足大多数用户的需求,希望会给大家带来方便(This article is a modified music algorithm, which has better performance, and the ability to meet the needs of most users, I hope we will bring convenience)
    2014-01-19 21:37:16下载
  • 1
    说明:  编程计算图形的面积。程序可以计算圆形,长方形,正方形的面积,运行时先提示用户选择图形的类型,然后,对圆形要求用户输入半径值,对长方形要求用户输入长和宽的值,对正方形要求用户输入边长得值,计算出面积的值后将其显示出来。(Calculate the area of graphics programming. Program can calculate the round, rectangular, square area, run-time prompts the user to first select the type of graph, and then the radius of the circle requires the user to input the value of the rectangle requires the user to input the length and width values, requires the user to input side of the square grow the value to calculate the value of the area after the show.)
    2009-11-14 21:38:32下载
  • tdofss_eig
    I have written the common two-dimensional frame structure, you can calculate the modal, static and dynamic response of the seismic response
    2012-03-24 17:47:06下载
  • pcnn_basix
    基本PCNN演算法,處理圖像的基本類神經網路。(Basic PCNN algorithm, the basic image processing and neural networks.)
    2010-05-25 16:04:26下载
  • disteu
    DISTEU Function DISTEU Pairwise Euclidean distances between columns of two matrices Input: x, y: Two matrices whose each column is an a vector data. Output: d: Element d(i,j) will be the Euclidean distance between two column vectors X(:,i) and Y(:,j) Note: The Euclidean distance D between two vectors X and Y is: D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
    2013-03-15 15:11:01下载
  • matlab_vlfeat
    本文档是在matlab中配置vlfeat的说明,详细说明了配置步骤,并附带了一个关于图像拼接的实例,希望对有需要的朋友有帮助(This document is in the matlab configuration vlfeat instructions detailing the configuration steps, and comes with an example on the image mosaic, we want to help a friend in need)
    2013-10-31 20:25:08下载
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