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于 2011-11-20 发布 文件大小:38184KB
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  本书从软件设计的角度,全面、系统地介绍了arm处理器的基本体系结构和软件设计与优化方法。内容包括:arm处理器基础;arm/thumb指令集;c语言与汇编语言程序的设计与优化;基本运算、操作的优化;基于arm的dsp;异常与中断处理;固件与嵌入式os;cache与存储器管理;armv6体系结构的特点等。全书内容完整,针对各种不同的arm内核系统结构都有详尽论述,并有大量的例子和源代码。附录给出了完整的armv4/v5/thumb指令的功能、编码、周期定时以及汇编参考。 (This book from the perspective of software design, comprehensive and systematic introduction to the basic arm processor architecture and software design and optimization methods. Include: arm processor based arm/thumb instruction set c language and assembly language program design and optimization basic operations, operations optimization on the arm of the dsp exception and interrupt handling firmware and embedded os cache and memory management armv6 architecture characteristics. Complete contents of the book, for a variety of arm-core system architecture are discussed in detail, and a large number of examples and source code. The appendix gives a complete armv4/v5/thumb instructions, coding, cycle time and assembly reference.)


ARM System Developers Guide...pdf,39749717,2011-05-30



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