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于 2012-09-26 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  闭环系统的奇异值曲线仿真和其鲁棒性能分析(Singular value of the closed-loop system curve simulation and robust performance analysis)



0 个回复

  • Full_bridge_DC_DC_BIPOLARnikhil
    full bridge DC-DC bipolar conveter matlab simulink file
    2011-05-23 17:53:06下载
  • MATLAB-program-one-hundred-cases
    数学建模案例MATLAB实用程序百例 经典MATLAB程序100例帮助初学者(Mathematical modeling classic case of one hundred cases MATLAB MATLAB utility program 100 cases help beginners)
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  • FastICA_CPP
    使用C++语言编写的FastICA算法,并附带有Matrix类。(Use C++ language FastICA algorithm, together with the Matrix class.)
    2013-11-27 09:27:38下载
  • Horn_Schunck_Optical_Flow_Method
    Horn_Schunck_Optical_Flow_Method,值得学习(Horn_Schunck_Optical_Flow_Method, worth learning)
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  • 打包需要资料
    ant打包所需要的学习资料和相关配置,可以进行学习和本地搭建相关项目进行一切项目的编译和打包(ant but it the function is very good and strong)
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  • lms_sys_1
    LMS算法的最简单模型,可以参考下。在噪声消除等主动噪声控制中有应用(The lms which is used in some signal procesing)
    2010-01-25 16:23:57下载
  • gs
    说明:  光栅图形矢量化方法分析与评价,一篇不错的书籍(Raster graphics vector analysis and evaluation methods, a good book)
    2014-02-21 03:01:05下载
    DSP程序开发MATLAB调试及直接目标代码生成.ceb(DSP program development and direct target debugging MATLAB code generation. Ceb)
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  • 径向平均功率谱
    说明:  计算二维数据的径向平均功率谱,较好地展现了磁异常的径向变化(calculate the frequency of 2-dimenation data)
    2020-12-08 13:39:21下载
  • improved_gaborfilter
    Bi-dimensional Gabor filter with DC component compensation This version of the 2D Gabor filter is basically a bi-dimensional Gaussian function centered at origin (0,0) with variance S modulated by a complex sinusoid with polar frequency (F,W) and phase P described by the following equation: G(x,y,S,F,W,P)=k*Gaussian(x,y,S)*(Sinusoid(x,y,F,W,P)-DC(F,S,P)), where: Gaussian(x,y,S)=exp(-pi*S^2*(x^2+y^2)) Sinusoid(x,y,F,W,P)=exp(j*(2*pi*F*(x*cos(W)+y*sin(W))+P))) DC(F,S,P)=exp(-pi*(F/S)^2+j*P) File Id: 13776 Average rating: 0.0 Size: 1 KB # of reviews: 0 Submitted: 2007-01-26 Downloads: 274 Subscribers: 0 Keywords: gabor filter Stiven Schwanz Dias (Bi-dimensional Gabor filter with DC compo .. compensation This version of the 2D Gabor f ilter is basically a bi-dimensional Gaussian f unction centered at origin (0, 0) with variance S modulated by a complex sinuso id with polar frequency (F, W) and phase P described by the following equati on : G (x, y, S, F, W, P) = k* Gaussian (x, y, S)* (Sinusoid (x, y, F, W, P)- DC (F, S, P)), where : Gaussian (x, y, S) = exp (-pi* S* 2 ^ (x ^ 2 y ^ 2)) Sinusoid (x, y, F, W, P) = exp (j* (2* pi* F* (x* cos (W) y* sin (W)) P))) D C (F, S, P) = exp (-pi* (F/S) ^ 2* P j) File Id : 13776 Average rating : 0.0 Size :# 1 KB of reviews : 0 Submitted : 2007-01-26 Downloads : 274 Subscribers : 0 Keywords : gabor filter Stiven Schwanz Dias)
    2007-05-23 12:57:55下载
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