首页 » C++ » dsp_fft32x32


于 2021-04-08 发布 文件大小:197KB
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  DSP 快速傅立叶变换 c语言实现的........(dsp FFT 32*32 c language relize ........)





0 个回复

  • Using-GDIP-on-Windows-Mobile
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  • Filecombine
    说明:  这是个人写的简单的文件合并工具,有如下特性: 1. 支持二进制和文本文件合并; 2. 可以自定义填充字节(默认为0); 3. 可以选择源文件的任意地址和任意数据长度(在源文件的数据范围之内); 4. 可以任意修改源文件数据在目标文件(合并或拆分)文件的地址范围; 5. 支持拆分源文件,但单次操作只支持一个源文件和一个目标文件; 6. 可以保存/加载文件拆分合并的配置数据,并于重复使用;(This is a simple file combine tool with the following characteristics: 1. Support binary and text file combine; 2. You can customize the padding byte (default is 0); 3. You can select any address of the source file and any data length (within the data range of the source file); 4. The source file data can be arbitrarily modified in the address range of the target file (combine or split) file; 5. Support split source files, but only one source file and one target file are supported in a single operation; 6. You can save/load the file to combine, split configuration data and reuse it;)
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