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于 2021-04-11 发布 文件大小:1145KB
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   (l)小波分析理论在变形监测数据处理研究中的理论意义和实用价值 (2)小波阂值去噪和多分辨分析在变形监测信号分析中的应用 (3)在算法和图像处理方面的优越性 ((L) wavelet analysis theory in the study of deformation monitoring data processing theoretical significance and practical value (2) wavelet thresholding denoising and multi-resolution analysis in deformation monitoring signal analysis application (3) in the algorithm and image processing superiority )



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  • Gamma_MAP
    sar图像处理gamma滤波器!!!!!sar图像处理gamma滤波器!!!!!sar图像处理gamma滤波器!!!!!sar图像处理gamma滤波器!!!!!(sar image filter gamma)
    2012-03-08 15:37:16下载
  • Android-Studio
    audroid studio books
    2016-05-05 23:48:37下载
  • binary-video
    学习使用OpenCV,对输入的一段彩色视频,用OpenCV实现以下功能或要求: 1. 对输入视频的每一帧图像都用同一个阈值进行二值化; 2.在每帧二值化图像上叠加上含自己学号与姓名等信息的版权字幕; 3. 在处理的过程中,实时显示每帧图片处理之后的效果; 4.将所有这些二值化图像按视频原来顺序合成输出一个视频文件,按原输入视频播放速度的两倍合成; 5. 做成如下的命令行格式,xxx.exe 输入视频文件名 二值化阈值 输出视频文件名(例如 MyBiVideo.exe input.avi 50 output.avi ) 这里的二值化有两种选择,可以手动收入阈值,也可以直接用OTSU算法的较优阈值直接二值化。(Learn to use OpenCV, for some color video input, with the OpenCV following functions or requirements: 1. Each frame of the input video images are binarized using the same threshold value 2. superposed on the binarized image of each frame containing the copyright on the number and the name of their own learning subtitles other information 3. During processing, real-time display after processing each frame 4. All of these binarized image by synthesizing the video output of a video sequence of the original document, the original input composite video playback speed twice 5. made the following command line format, xxx.exe input video file name binary threshold value of the output video file name (eg MyBiVideo.exe input.avi 50 output.avi) Here there are two binary choice, you can manually income thresholds, you can directly use the optimum direct binarization threshold through OTSU algorithm.)
    2015-01-30 16:15:09下载
  • 3
    说明:  运用低通滤波器,中心削波和自相关技术估计一段男性和女性语音信号的基音周期,画出基音轨迹曲线,给出估计准确率。(The use of low-pass filter, the center clipping and related technologies is estimated from a male and female speech signal pitch period, pitch trajectory drawn curves of estimated accuracy.)
    2010-05-07 14:51:01下载
  • speech-emotion-recognition
    过特定人语音情感数据库的建立;语音情感特征提取;语音情感分类器的设计,完成了一个特定人语音情感识别的初步系统。对于单个特定人,可以识别平静、悲伤、愤怒、惊讶、高兴5种情感,除愤怒和高兴之间混淆程度相对较大之外,各类之间区分特性良好,平均分类正确率为93.7 。对于三个特定人组成的特定人群,可以识别平静、愤怒、悲伤3种情感,各类之间区分特性良好,平均分类正确率为94.4 。其中分类器采用混合高斯分布模型。(The system of speech emotion recognition)
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  • graycomatrix
    用MATLAB编写的灰度共生矩阵程序代码(matlab gravt level co-occurence matrix)
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  • Image-deblurring-
    一份关于用正则化去除图像模糊的资料,内含代码以及说明,并附上了仿真结果图(A report on the Regularization blur removal image data containing codes and descriptions, along with the simulation results of FIG.)
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  • 06257655
    图像仿射匹配的经典文章,适合深度学习仿射匹配的研究生(Image the affine matching the classic article, suitable depth learning graduate affine matching)
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  • shipinjiankong
    利用多线程技术把数据处理模块和图像显示模块分离,实现视频监控功能。(The use of multi-threading technology to data processing and image display module separation module for video monitoring.)
    2014-11-05 16:01:30下载
  • Itti-Matlab
    Itti模型的显著图提取,使用matlab编写,很好的代码,可供参考学习(Itti model saliency map extraction, the use of matlab prepared very well the code)
    2013-09-04 21:53:51下载
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