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  [IOVS]2011 Shadow Removal and Contrast Enhancement in OCT Images of the Human Optic Nerve Headl的实现matlab代码,医学图像增强([IOVS] 2011 Shadow Removal and Contrast Enhancement in OCT Images of the Human Optic Nerve Headl realization of matlab code medical image enhancement)





0 个回复

  • Cluster_flag
    先随机找寻一个合理的初始划分,然后试探将样本从一个群搬到另一个群,如果某次搬动能使准则函数值得到改进的话,则继续搬运,否则废除本次搬运,再继续其他搬运。(Randomly and find a reasonable initial division, and then test the sample from a group of moving to another group, if a move can make the criterion function is worth to improve, it continues to handling, otherwise the abolition of the handling, continue to other handling.)
    2012-12-28 16:30:37下载
  • nmf-example1
    nmf的两个简单例程,搜集于网络,为matlab代码。(nmf two simple routine to collect network matlab code.)
    2012-12-28 21:12:24下载
  • shapletsurf
    Function reconstructs an estimate of a surface from its surface normals by correlating the surface normals with that those of a bank of shapelet basis functions. The correlation results are summed to produce the reconstruction. The sumation of shapelet basis functions results in an implicit integration of the surface while enforcing surface continuity. Note that the reconstruction is only valid up to a scale factor (which can be corrected for). However the reconstruction process is very robust to noise and to missing data values. Reconstructions (up to positive/negative shape ambiguity) are possible where there is an ambiguity of pi in tilt values. Low quality reconstructions are also possible with just slant, or just tilt data alone. However, if you have full gradient information you are better off with the Frankot Chellappa algorithm below.
    2012-05-28 12:11:57下载
  • STF
    matlab强跟踪滤波器STF源程序,附带论文说明(the matlab strong tracking filter STF source, with the paper demonstrates )
    2012-03-11 11:22:44下载
  • xinhaoyuxitong
    这里面是信号与系统实验,比较适合于初学者,内容详细。(This experimental system, which is the signal and, more suitable for beginners and detailed.)
    2011-10-19 22:11:25下载
  • Kalman
    kalman滤波matlab模拟供爱好者参考(kalman filtering matlab Analog reference for lovers)
    2009-03-10 11:21:56下载
  • Directional_AND_Derivative_Constraints
    內有Directional以及Derivative Constraints的形式,讓LCMV和LPMV 能夠更精準估測出其JAMMER之位置(There are Directional and Derivative Constraints in the form, so that LCMV and LPMV to more accurately estimate the location out of their JAMMER)
    2010-01-29 01:27:19下载
  • PiecewiseExponentialII
    用WINBUGS软件对生存分析中分段指数模型进行BAYES分析(bayesian analysis of piecewise exponential model)
    2011-01-09 12:29:35下载
  • Sparse-Recovery
    稀疏重构的理论基础和数值方法 (英文原版图书)(Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery)
    2013-12-19 16:04:27下载
  • SSC_1.0
    Sparse Subspace clustering, an algorithm which is useful for subspace segmentation and motion tracking--
    2014-02-03 13:26:53下载
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