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于 2012-09-23 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  Heat Transfer with CRANK NICOLSON Method



0 个回复

  • matlabdianzishu
    matlab实用教程 里面是doc格式的 很详细(failed to translate)
    2012-04-20 18:10:47下载
  • matlab_networks_routines
    Matlab COdes for network route. You can use it for different kinds of graph algorithms
    2013-08-19 21:44:30下载
  • PGM_Programming_Assignment_3
    code matlab pgm in graphical model
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  • HDB3
    通过matlab仿真验证HDB3码的原理,分析HDB3码的优缺点. (HDB3 code by matlab simulation principle, analyze the advantages and disadvantages HDB3 code.)
    2013-12-10 00:27:48下载
  • HuffTree
    Huffman tree:In computer science and information theory, a Huffman code is an optimal prefix code found using the algorithm developed by David A.
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  • Writing-Fast-MATLAB-Code
    结合多个例子演示编写matlab程序及用matlab程序解决数学问题的简单方法,适合matlab学习者使用。(Combined with a number of examples to demonstrate simple method to write matlab program matlab program to solve mathematical problems, and suitable for the use of matlab learners.)
    2012-05-06 16:59:21下载
  • NSGA
    说明:  多目标遗传算法是NSGA-II[1](改进的非支配排序算法),该遗传算法相比于其它的多目标遗传算法有如下优点:传统的非支配排序算法的复杂度为 ,而NSGA-II的复杂度为 ,其中M为目标函数的个数,N为种群中的个体数。引进精英策略,保证某些优良的种群个体在进化过程中不会被丢弃,从而提高了优化结果的精度。采用拥挤度和拥挤度比较算子,不但克服了NSGA中需要人为指定共享参数的缺陷,而且将其作为种群中个体间的比较标准,使得准Pareto域中的个体能均匀地扩展到整个Pareto域,保证了种群的多样性。(消除了共享参数)。(Multi-objective genetic algorithm is nsga-ii [1] (improved non-dominant sorting algorithm), which has the following advantages compared with other multi-objective genetic algorithms: the complexity of the traditional non-dominant sorting algorithm is, while the complexity of nsga-ii is, where M is the number of objective functions and N is the number of individuals in the population.The introduction of elite strategy to ensure that some good individuals in the evolutionary process will not be discarded, thus improving the accuracy of the optimization results.The comparison operator of crowding degree and crowding degree not only overcomes the defect that NSGA needs to specify the Shared parameter artificially, but also takes it as the comparison standard between individuals in the population, so that individuals in the quasi-pareto domain can uniformly expand to the whole Pareto domain, ensuring the diversity of the population.(eliminating Shared parameters).)
    2020-02-13 19:30:43下载
  • Southamptonsvmtoolbox
    svm已经广泛用于解决分类和回归问题。 此工具箱是由South ampton大学的S. R. Gunn编写的Matlab SVM Toolbox。该工具箱运行在MATLAB环境下,由许多用m语言编写的脚本文件和函数组成,为SVM 技术的工程化、实用化提供了一个良好的平台。(South ampton university svm toolbox)
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