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于 2013-04-05 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  for fem matlab for solving all 2D and 3D problem



0 个回复

  • hmm
    Source codes used in Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
    2009-03-19 19:59:54下载
  • 5f0c3f53d787f43bad41b8714c55b46e
    CC1110的各种程序例程,包括无线实验,TDMA和FDMA点对多点通信原代码(Various routines of CC1110, including wireless experiment, TDMA and FDMA point to multipoint communication source code)
    2015-03-30 15:19:15下载
  • matlab16-QAM
    基于MatlabSimulink的16QAM调制解调系统性能研究(Based on the MatlabSimulink 16QAM modulation and demodulation system performance)
    2012-06-07 22:50:54下载
  • The_simulation_migration_robot_evades_the_experime
    移动机器人避障实验MatlaB仿真程序(对学习MATLAB仿真的有用)(Mobile robot obstacle avoidance MatlaB experimental simulation program (MATLAB simulation for learning useful))
    2009-06-13 09:43:14下载
  • Car_hist
    Drulhe S. - Hue M. -- dec 2003 Demo to compute the histogram features. Some functions used here require Image Processing Toolbox (Drulhe S.- Hue M. -- dec 2003 Demo to compute the histogram features. Some functions used here require Image Processing Toolbox )
    2009-10-19 19:58:40下载
  • Artificial-Intelligence-pneumonia
    利用朴实贝叶斯方法求解有关肺炎的问题。肺炎对应有四个特征:发烧、疼痛、咳嗽和血细胞异常,当确定了患肺炎与否时,四个特征条件独立。假设患肺炎与否和四个特征都可表示为Ture和False。 根据pneumonia.tex文件中的数据(500行,每行前4个数对应4个特征变量,第5个数对应患肺炎是否为真,以0表示False,1表示Ture),编写Matlab 程序 maininference.m,从example.txt中读取病人的症状信息(0表示False,1表示True,-1表示not given),并计算对应的患肺炎的可能性。所给的信息按发烧、疼痛、咳嗽、血细胞异常的顺序排列。将计算结果保存在answer.txt中。(Simple Bayesian method to solve the question of pneumonia. Pneumonia corresponding four characteristics: fever, pain, cough and blood cell abnormalities, determine the risk of pneumonia or not, the four characteristics of conditional independence. Assumptions suffering from pneumonia or not and four features can be represented as Ture and False. According to the data pneumonia.tex file (500 lines, each line of the first four numbers corresponding to the four characteristic variables, number 5 corresponds to the risk of pneumonia is true, 0 represents False, said Ture), to write Matlab program maininference. m from example.txt read the information of the patient' s symptoms (0 = False, said True, the-1 indicates not given), and to calculate corresponding to the likelihood of suffering from pneumonia. The information given by the order of fever, pain, cough, blood cell abnormalities. The calculated results is be saved in answer.txt.)
    2013-01-04 23:27:12下载
  • date
    根据用户输入的年月日计算出第几天的控制台应用(To calculate the day of the console application based on user input date)
    2015-04-06 12:37:24下载
  • number_plate_segmentation
    number plate detection in matlab
    2010-12-17 14:48:28下载
  • galileo_e1
    伽利略卫星导航系统E1信号捕获跟踪仿真程序(Galileo E1 signal acquisition and tracking system simulation program)
    2011-10-27 15:55:44下载
  • ABCNNTrain
    Training Artificial Neural Network. XOR Problem. Summation Units, Log-Sigmoid Neurons with Biases. Input Layer: 2, Hidden Layer: 2, Output Layer: 1 neurons. Returns mean square error between desired and actual outputs. Reference Papers: D. Karaboga, B. Basturk Akay, C. Ozturk, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Optimization Algorithm for Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks, LNCS: Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, 4617/2007, 318-329, 2007. D. Karaboga, C. Ozturk, Neural Networks Training by Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm on Pattern Classification, Neural Network World, 19(3), 279-292, 2009. */
    2011-12-22 19:55:05下载
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